Mom and our new friend, "Sonny" | Jane Boursaw Photo, 2015
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Mom and I picked up a very special hitchhiker after church today. We stopped by the Old Mission Tavern to grab some lunch to go (our usual M.O.), but since we’ve switched to our 10 a.m. start time for church for the summer, we had a few minutes to kill, since the Tavern doesn’t open until 11:30.

So we drove up Eimen Road and happened across this cute little guy trotting down the road. Me being a worrisome sort, stopped to check out his tag. Turns out he belongs to the Wunsches and was just heading home. (Not to worry – he was about 100 yards from home). His head looks huge here, but he’s just a puppy.

Anyway, he hopped in the car and was super-friendly, so we gave him a little ride and I got to chat with my old friend Barb Wunsch. I love Old Mission.

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