In line to get tickets for the Traverse City Film Festival | Jane Boursaw Photo, 2015
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Here’s a photo of the line to get tickets for the 2015 Traverse City Film Festival. It often works out so that I’m standing in line on my birthday, and that’s the case this year. So Happy Birthday to me! I don’t mind spending part of my 55th year on the planet in line with other film lovers. They’re a happy bunch.

I got there around 8 a.m. (some folks gathered in line the night before), and by that time, the line had snaked around to the Chamber of Commerce. By around 9 a.m., it started sprinkling, so they hustled us into the State Theatre, where we could wait and watch movie trailers until our number was called. I got out of town around 2 p.m., then took a drive and had steak and potato salad for dinner. A good day.

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