Jane's Prayer / Meditation / Yoga space | Jane Boursaw Photo
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Jane's Prayer / Meditation / Yoga space | Jane Boursaw Photo
Jane’s Prayer / Meditation / Yoga space | Jane Boursaw Photo

At the beginning of this year – that would be nine months ago – I decided to gain control over my house. You know, get rid of the clutter, free up some space, which in turn frees up head space to do things you’ve been putting off forever.

One of my goals was to clear out a little nook in a room upstairs and turn it into a beautiful space for prayer, yoga, meditation and exercise. “A Room of One’s Own,” as Virginia Woolf might say. My own space that’s all mine.

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So I moved a giant dresser out of my little nook – we’d picked it up for free by the side of the road, but I didn’t really need it and you know how that goes; if the space is there, it gets filled up. So I cleared out the drawers and gave the dresser away (yes, I will call you first next time, Marge!), and moved another dresser around the corner, leaving that little space wide open. It’s on the second floor and looks out over the bay – a beautiful space to pray, meditate, establish a morning yoga routine, exercise when the weather gets wintery outside.

As you can see by the photo, that’s as far as I got. There’s a basket of laundry there (hey, at least it’s clean laundry), a fly swatter (or in our case, a spider swatter, since the spiders think we built this log home just for them), some dusty yoga blocks and light weights, and in that bag on the left is a beautiful white curtain that will really turn this space into a cozy and peaceful nook!

But first, I have to wash that sliding glass door (which by the way, will eventually some day in the distant future open onto a gorgeous upper deck where I can sit and have coffee and look out over the bay). Right now it’s tightly shut with a stopper that requires tools to open it, in case I decide to sleepwalk out there onto the woodpile below some restless night.

But you know what? It’s all a process. It’s all good. With so much going on in my life (two kids in college, family to support, websites to run, yada yada), these things take time, and I can build on that first step of clearing out the space and opening myself up to the idea of the space.

And yes, by the way, I do pray continually throughout the day and attend yoga classes with Sally and take walks and get in the kayak and try to live mindfully in the moment as much as I can. I’ll keep nudging myself towards that beautiful nook.

SUPPORT YOUR INDEPENDENT LOCAL NEWSPAPER: I started Old Mission Gazette in 2015 because I felt a calling to provide the Old Mission Peninsula community with local news. After decades of writing for newspapers and magazines like the New York Times, Los Angeles Times, Family Circle and Ladies' Home Journal, I really just wanted to write about my own community where I grew up on a cherry farm and raised my own family. So I started my own newspaper.

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