Evan Murray Memorial Bench at Old Mission Point Park | Jane Boursaw Photo
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I was always in awe of the Murray family. Handsome, carefree siblings who lived in a farmhouse at the top of Ridgewood out past Haserot Beach. This would have been in the late 1970s and early 1980s, when a bunch of us hung around together. I didn’t know the Murrays that well, but every time I talked to any of them, they always made me feel like I was the only person in the room. That’s a gift.

They also had a sprout business. Katie King ran that, but I was her loyal assistant now and then. We’d take care of the sprouts and then deliver them to restaurants around the area.

Evan Murray passed away much too early, and there’s a beautiful bench in his honor at Old Mission Point Park. If you park at the Ridgewood parking lot and start walking back on the trail, you’ll see his bench not too far down the trail. Such a beautiful reminder of a great guy.

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