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So remember my yoga, meditation and prayer space I was working on in September (which, in reality, I’ve been working on since earlier in the year and actually thinking about for several years)?
Today I took the next step (because apparently, these things can’t be rushed) and put down my extra yoga mats (because I’m a yoga mat hoarder), dusted off my weights and yoga blocks, and christened the space with a couple of sun salutations.
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I also discovered a “home practice” sheet that my yoga teacher, Sally Van Vleck, wrote out for all of us (which, apparently, has been patiently waiting for me in that space – probably next to the dresser that was moved out of there) since 2008. Yes, we keep those lovely hand-written sheets, Sally, and hopefully even put them into practice at some point! (see photos below)
That brings me to Phase 3 of my reclaimed space. In yoga class last week, I made the bold announcement that I’d decided to do yoga every day for a year in 2016. It doesn’t even have to be a long session – it could just be a few sun salutations and a bit of meditation (which for me, also includes prayer – but you know, you can pray ANY time, whether you’re doing yoga or driving down the road).
And I’ll likely write about my “365 Days of Yoga” journey, so look for that coming up in 2016. I have some white curtains to put up on that window (after I clean the window!), which looks out on beautiful East Bay.
My challenge for you: What is missing from your life that you can create in 2016? How can you make it happen? How would it change your life?

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Jane, I love your yoga space and am honored that you still have my worksheet with stick people; a daily practice will reap many benefits. I am cheering you on and glad you’ll be sharing your insights and progress with your followers. Yoga is not about judgement, comparisons or idealized perfection in the pose; it’s about your internal process. But you know that already. I have been blessed to have you as a yoga student all these years. Namasté
Thank you, Sally! Yoga helped to save me after all the medical stuff when Tim had his transplant (and I basically had a nervous breakdown). Yoga and you and my fellow yogis have been such a blessing in my life.
That’s a very worthy goal, Jane! I guess it’s time to figure out some in my own life…
I’m cheering you on, too, Jane!
[…] the “Our Neighbors Are Awesome” category. The other day I was upstairs doing my “365 Days of Yoga” challenge and looked out the window to see our awesome neighbor Deb Lange clearing out the […]
[…] I still have my routine of morning yoga/meditation/prayer, which is a good springboard for throwing a batch of laundry into the washer upstairs. Routines are […]