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Peninsula Township Hall | Jane Boursaw Photo
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Meeting called to order at 7:00 p.m.

Roll Call
Township Board: Correia, Rosi, Witkop, Weatherholt, Hoffman and Byron
Planning Commission: Leak, Couture, Hornberger, Peters, Rosi, Serocki, Wunsch
ZBA: Vida, Cowall, Wunsch, Soutar and Elliott
Absent: Witkop (excused)
Also Present: Peter Wendling, Township Attorney, Michelle Reardon, Director of Planning and Zoning, Claire Schoolmaster, Planning and Zoning Coordinator and Deb Hamilton, Recording Secretary

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Approve Agenda, Township Board:

MOTION: Hoffman/Avery to approve the agenda as presented.

Brief Citizen Comments – for items not on the Agenda: None
Conflict of Interest
Township Board- None
Planning Commission – None
ZBA – None


Zoning Ordinance re-write Commencement (Introduction and Discussion):

Patrick Sloan, principle planner with McKenna and Associates and Leslie Sickerman, local planner working with Mr. Sloan introduced themselves. Sloan reviewed the project schedule. It is a proposed schedule and can be modified. Sloan asked the Boards and staff what issues they see with the ordinance.

Reardon said the new County Soil Erosion Ordinance has changed to be less restrictive. The Township has done work on Shoreline overlay. The Township wants to project our natural resource. Also winery enforcement and interpretation of winery ordinances, private road standards, regulation of retaining walls, historic districts should be looked at for their land use patterns, maximum coverage of structures including overhangs and decks however ordinance does not look at impervious surfaces, and regulations enforceability and manageability.

Rosi said capital improvement program section, historic buildings – Dougherty House, Lighthouse and the Log Church; steep slopes and grading, the Township has significant park land and she would like to see something in the ordinance about parks, the need for trails, the protection of woodlands, windmills, cell towers, commercial zoning, farmers market and road side stands, and agricultural zoning.

Wunsch said he would like look at options available outside of traditional Planning and Zoning.

Vida said non-conforming roads, legal non-conforming properties, and to obtain a variance five basic conditions must be met. That language needs to tighten up.

Soutar said definitions, walls, fences and foliage screening height; patios and decks and the materials involved and what is a structure, road right-of-way as it pertains to property size, commercial zoning versus where business actually exist, master plan versus zoning districts when they differ, and ADA.

Byron said the clarity of the document itself is important, intent of the ordinance versus having to list everything specifically, short term rentals, docks and marinas (mini marinas), what is the intent of the PUD, and events (party barns).

Wendling said the zoning ordinance states that the zoning authority ends at ordinary high water mark but the property is owned to the shoreline. The zoning authority could be changed to the shoreline.

Hornberger said Bed & Breakfast

Leak said ordinance needs to be more specific.

Weatherholt asked how Boards disagreeing about changes in the ordinance will be dealt with.

Reardon said the Planning Commission will have a special meeting at 5:30 p.m. the third Monday of every month. Those meetings could be joint meetings with the Township Board. There was discussion about the best way to communicate to the residents about this process. Information will be posted on the website and possible copies available in the office and library. Wendling said all communications should be given to the Clerk to give to the Township Board. When there is a difference of opinion on policy use the Master Plan as a guide.

Sloan said next month he will have diagnostic review documents which can be revised if other issues need to be added.

Citizen Comments:

Curt Peterson, 1356 Buchan Dr., said he appreciates keeping the general public informed about this process.

Jim Komendera, 4168 Rocky Shore Trail, said pay attention to the contradiction between Master Plan and the Zoning Ordinance.

Board Comments:

Diagnostic review will be a joint meeting on February 22, 2016 at 5:30 p.m.
MOTION: Byron/Weatherholt to adjourn at 8:17 p.m.
Respectfully submitted by Deb Hamilton, Recording Secretary

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