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The State of Michigan requires jurisdictions to review their Master Plans at 5-year intervals. Peninsula Township’s current Master Plan was approved in 2011. The Planning Commission (PC) is currently reviewing the Plan, updating the data on which that 2011 plan was based, and will then make a recommendation to the Town Board either to keep the Plan as is, make amendments to it, or completely re-do it.
At the PC meeting on Monday, April 18, 2016, the commissioners agreed to schedule a working/discussion session on the data we’ve received and to specifically invite the public to attend and participate. The meeting will take place on Thursday, April 28 at 8 a.m., and has been posted on the Peninsula Township website as follows:
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Master Plan 5-Year Review
The Planning Commission is hosting a working session related to the Master Plan 5-Year Review. We invite public participation in this work session. Please plan to attend on Thursday, April 28, 2016 at 8 a.m. at the Township Offices. Click HERE to review the current Master Plan.
I agreed to chair the meeting. I will invite all audience members to participate that morning, and to please send in comments on the Master Plan. If we need more time, we will schedule a second meeting, some evening soon thereafter.
I encourage all township residents to read or reread the Master Plan (it is on the website), and please attend the meeting. We look forward to your thoughts and ideas on whether we need to look at specific data, and whether the Master Plan needs any amendments.
If you’re unable to attend the meeting, we encourage you to write your thoughts and ideas. Feel free to email me at [email protected] or send via mail to Peninsula Township, 13235 Center Road, Traverse City MI 49686.
Monnie Peters, Township Planning Commissioner
[email protected]
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