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March 21, 2016
Meeting called to order at 7:05 p.m.
PRESENT: Leak, Serocki, Rosi, Peters, Wunsch, Couture and Hornberger
ALSO PRESENT: Michelle Reardon, Director of Planning and Zoning; Claire Schoolmaster, Planning and Zoning Coordinator; and Deb Hamilton, Recording Secretary
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Serocki asked to add SUP 32 2nd amendment and SUP 125 to Old Business.
MOTION: Serocki/Peters to approve the Agenda as amended. MOTION PASSED
1. Reports and Announcements
2. Correspondence
3. Meeting Minutes – February 22, 2016
Serocki Page 2 – “Reardon said explained…” should be “Reardon explained..” Page 3 – add after Lagina said yes. “Serocki asked Wendling if this is rented for seven days, would that be considered a short term rental and set a precedent. Wendling said he assumes what they are doing is renting these guest rooms on a daily basis. It does not prevent people from renewing their daily rental but it is not the same thing. Serocki asked it would not set a precedent. Wendling said no, it is just like someone in a hotel room that decides to rent it.” Page 4 – “underwood ridge” should be “Underwood Ridge.” Rosi Page 2 – add “she has been” to Cindy Ruzak comment. Hornberger Page 2 – “flexible” should be “flexibility”.
MOTION: Wunsch/Rosi to approve February 22, 2016 minutes as amended. MOTION PASSED
MOTION: Hornberger/Wunsch to approve the Consent Agenda. MOTION PASSED
1. Zoning Ordinance Amendment #190 (Discussion)
Reardon said she would defer to Wendling’s letter regarding Section 7.10.11. Wendling also provided a definition for Bed and Breakfast: Bed and Breakfast Establishment: A private residence that offers sleeping accommodations to paying, registered guests in five (5) or fewer guest rooms in the same structure with each guest room having a maximum occupancy of two (2) persons. An owner resides in the establishment while managing and renting the rooms to paying, registered guests. Food and/or beverages may be served at no extra cost to the paying, registered guests.
Serocki said she thought that some of the rooms could have two people and some of the rooms could have four. Reardon said there is a maximum capacity for any B&B and that is regardless of the number of rooms and a maximum occupancy of each room being four. Serocki asked to strike “with each guest room having a maximum occupancy of two (2) persons”. Serocki asked about the “,” after “paying”. Couture asked why “paying” is needed. Reardon said “registered guest” is defined. Hornberger asked to drop the “paying”. Reardon said the Commission did say they want to discuss further “Food and/or beverages may be served at no extra cost to the paying, registered guests.” Couture said Wendling’s letter states “at no extra cost” can be eliminated. Hornberger said her preference would be to drop “at no extra cost”. Serocki asked to either have “to registered guests” or “to the registered guests” but not both. There was Commission consensus to drop “the”.
MOTION: Hornberger/Couture that the definition be approved and sent to the Township Board. MOTION PASSED
Rosi said she may have a conflict of interest because her family owns 450 ft. on West Bay with one cottage and her brother-in-law owns 450 ft. with one house. It is the intent that one day their children may build a cottage or house. Rosi does not like the way Wendling proposed Section 7.10.11 because she did not think she had a conflict. Reardon said when the Commission had the discussion the Commission wanted to continue to be able to issue Land Use Permits without a variance so long as density is not increased on legal non conforming roads. Increase density comes into play when there is an increase in parcels that are serviced by a legal non-conforming road. There was consensus to table this issue until Wendling can advise.
MOTION: Wunsch/Hornberger to table Section 7.10.11 until the April meeting.
2. Master Plan 5-year review (Discussion)
Reardon reviewed the information provided to the Commission regarding the Master Plan 5-year review. Peters reviewed the information she provided the Commission. Peters asked if there is a traffic count along Center Rd. Reardon said she can get that information. Network Northwest should be putting something together for transportation planning here in the region. There was discussion about connectivity between subdivisions. Reardon asked the Commission to look at some of the presumptions that the Master Plan is based. Is there anything else besides Land Use Permits, demographics and traffic counts that are used as presumptions? If yes, let staff know so the Commission can have immediate information about those presumptions. Reardon also asked the Commission to go back to the MSU Extension Guide Book and make sure all of the fact book information is in front of the Commission and look at the 10 or so questions in the Guide Book. Peters recommended the Commission look over the statistics from the previous Master Plan. Peters would also like to figure out how to get some public input. Reardon said the five year review of the Master Plan is not a rewrite. There will be less interaction unless the Commission feels the Master Plan needs to be cracked wide open. Peters said must offer people the opportunity to comment on this. Reardon said it may be as simple as getting the Master Plan review on the front page of the website. Wunsch said as the ordinance is being rewritten it is important to look at the information in the Master Plan.
3. SUP 32 2nd Amendment
MOTION: Hornberger/Wunsch to un-table SUP 32 2nd Amendment. MOTION PASSED Reardon said it has been determined that the properties need to be in compliance before any amendments will take place. The deadline is April 1, 2016 for information as to how they intend to comply with the ordinance. If there is no communication or work toward compliance, a citation or enforcement action will occur. Serocki asked is the issue the seasonal portion. Reardon said yes.
MOTION: Serocki/Hornberger to table SUP 32 2nd Amendment until the Planning Commission’s April 18, 2016 meeting. MOTION PASSED
4. SUP 125
MOTION: Hornberger/Wunsch to un-table SUP 125. MOTION PASSED
MOTION: Hornberger/Wunsch to re-table SUP 125 until the Planning Commission’s April 18, 2016 meeting. MOTION PASSED
Nancy R. Heller, 3091 Blue Water Rd. thanked the people responsible for having packets online and asked when possible for the last minute handouts to be available to the audience.
Marilyn Elliott, 18811 Whispering Trail, said looking for congruity with the Master Plan and the Zoning Ordinance. She feels there is a need for public input and it is important that people are involved.
Serocki reminded the Commission when per diems are due. Peters asked about Capital Improvement Plan workshop Rosi and Schoolmaster attended. Rosi gave a review of the class. Peters said Elliot and she went to Site Plan Review. Peters said classes are wonderful and suggests others on Commission attend. Wunsch gave ZBA report. Rosi gave Township Board report.
MOTION: Hornberger/Peters to adjourn the meeting at 8:18 p.m. MOTION PASSED
Respectfully Submitted,
Deb Hamilton, Recording Secretary
These minutes stand to be approved at the next meeting scheduled for April 18, 2016
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