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May 12, 2016
7:00 p.m.
1. Call to Order
2. Pledge
3. Roll Call of Attendance
4. Approval of Agenda
5. Conflict of Interest
6. Communication Received
7. Public Input
8. Scheduled Public Hearings
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A. Request No. 846, Zoning R-1B
Applicant: Brian, Cheri, Dan, & Beth Stainforth, 8188 Mandy Ln., Frankenmuth, MI 48734
Owner: Brian, Cheri, Dan, & Beth Stainforth, 8188 Mandy Ln., Frankenmuth, MI 48734
Property Address: 13091 Bluff Rd., Traverse City, MI 49686 & 13083 Bluff Rd., Traverse City, MI 49686
Request: (1) a variance of 4 feet (4’) from the required 30 foot (30’) front yard setback to allow for the construction of a 988 square foot non-conforming addition to an existing legal non-conforming structure; and (2) a variance of 9% from the required maximum 15% lot coverage to allow for the demolition of an existing non-conforming structure and the construction of a 988 square foot non-conforming addition to an existing legal non-conforming structure on the combination of two legal non-conforming lots.
Parcel Code Nos. 28-11-127-030-00 & 28-11-127-031-00
B. Request No. 847, Interpretation
Peninsula Township Zoning Administrator requests interpretation of Section 8.7.3 (10) (u) – What constitutes a “guest activity use” as opposed to what is allowed in the tasting room of a Winery Chateau without a guest activity use permit?
C. Request No. 848, Interpretation
Peninsula Township Zoning Administrator requests interpretation of Section 8.7.2 (3) and Section 8.7.3 (3) – What uses/activities are allowed as part of a special open space use as provided under the Ordinance?
9. Approval of Minutes
A. November 12, 2015 Regular Meeting
B. January 14, 2016 Joint TB/PC/ZBA Minutes
10. New Business
A. Township Board Report (Witkop)
B. Planning Commission Report (Wunsch)
C. 2016/2017 Meeting Dates
11. Adjournment
Peninsula Township has several portable hearing devices available for audience members. If you would like to use one, please ask the Clerk.
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