Home Township Minutes and Agendas MINUTES: Park Commission, April 20, 2016 – Lighthouse Grant/Bid Discussed

MINUTES: Park Commission, April 20, 2016 – Lighthouse Grant/Bid Discussed

Park, Mission Point Lighthouse, Park Commission, Lighthouse, Lighthouse Park
Mission Point Lighthouse
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April 20, 2016
Meeting called to order at 7:00 p.m.

PRESENT: Skurski; Shipman; Andrus; Griffiths and Sanders
ALSO PRESENT: Bob Wilkinson, Buildings and Grounds; Ginger Schultz, Lighthouse Manager and Mary Avery, Recording Secretary

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MOTION: Skurski/Shipman to approve agenda as amended.



A. Correspondence (as provided in packet)
B. Approve Minutes –
1. February 3, 2016 Regular Meeting
C. Treasurer’s Report
D. Invoice List Approval
MOTION: Shipman/Skurski to approve consent agenda as presented.


A. Lighthouse Manager’s Report
Ginger Schultz, Lighthouse Manager, gave report.

B. Maintenance Report

1. Wilkinson is repairing the Teeter-totter.
Andrus advised Wilkinson that the dock needs to be put in. The “stop” and “one way” signs are missing again from the Lighthouse Park parking lot.

C. Budget Review Information
Skurski reviewed budget. Shipman is confused by some of the numbers. Feels that the Commission should meet with the Clerk and the Auditor to get the numbers straight. Sanders to arrange meeting.

D. Invoice List Approval
Skurski advised to remove top invoice as it is a duplicate.
Shipman/Griffiths to approve the edit list as amended.

E. Long Range Planning: Bowers Harbor Expansion
Sanders suggests May 9th as a date to meet with the Township Board to discuss the Bowers Harbor Expansion. When everyone can confirm they can attend Sanders will let Hoffman know.

F. Lighthouse Grant/Bid update and planning
Sanders advised that the bid came in almost twice as high as the grant amount. They will not be able to do all of the work. Reardon suggested that they choose some of the projects that they can afford to get done now and then get another grant to finish the work. Griffiths would like to talk to the bidder to see why their bid was so high.
Griffiths/Shipman to meet with MIM and find out the basis of their outrageous charges. Maybe there is some misinterpretation of the project that is leading to this? If nothing can be changed then we should chop up the project.
Andrus feels that the Township could bid this out themselves and save a lot of money.

G. Agreement on Handling Hessler Log Cabin donations
Ellen Kerr 14548 Bluff Road would like to have the Township turn over to the Historical Society the money collected on their behalf from the log cabin fund. Skurski will meet with Kerr and Weatherholt to come up with a new agreement.

H. Haserot Survey update from Gourdie Fraser
Andrus advised that Gourdie Fraser did not provide a report before the meeting as promised. He will call them tomorrow to follow up.

Citizen Comments

Brit Eaton 1465 Neah-ta-wanta Road spoke concerning the Bowers Harbor Park expansion.

Nancy R. Heller 3091 Blue Water Rd. spoke concerning having the packets on the website. Also, wants to be sure the Commission follows up with the Township on the transfer of the $12,000 from the Big Jon sale.

Margaret Achorn 11284 Peninsula Drive spoke concerning the $12,000 transfer to be done between the Township and the Parks.

Board Comments

Shipman met with the conservancy at Pelizzari.
Andrus would like permission to have Haserot dredged. Board agreed to put it on the May agenda.
Sanders commented that they did scan the packet ahead of the meeting.

Meeting adjourned at 8:27 p.m.

Respectfully Submitted,
Mary Avery, Recording Secretary

These minutes stand to be approved at the May 4, 2016 Meeting.

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