At my mom’s house the other day, we noticed some mysterious buoys out in East Bay. We could see two, spaced fairly wide apart, but there might have been more.
We thought maybe someone was diving out there, but the buoys were there for several days (and could still be there – I haven’t checked the past couple days). This would be right in Old Mission, so the land you see in the photo is probably just north of Elk Rapids. And the buoys are way out there in the middle of the bay.
Anyone know what’s happening out there?
Prob just wondering buoys that floated in
Is the Coast Guard planing a practice?
I was told last year they were for fishing.
I was told it is marking Indian tribal nets for whitefish
A neighbor went out there and asked him why they were fishing below the 49th pararell and they said that they were fishing for whitefish and gave him a couple. They also said that their nets allowed perch to swim through and that they released any trout that was caught in the net.
Hmmm… So it sounds like they’re breaking the treaty…
Indian nets for fishing in the bay’s. I thought they had to stay north of the 45th parallel? Hmm!
I would want to know more about it. I know the DNR has been notified and is aware of it. As with many regulations, there are exceptions and it sounds like whitefish are are an exception. I would like to hear what others know about tribal fishing rights. Just like any mooring, all you have to do is pull up the buoy and see the numbers on the chain. The numbers correspond with the permit that authorizes their use.
Old Mission Gazette who’s gonna stop them there like …hillary above the rules , ever wonder why there are no more smelt run’s anymore ?? they netted the crap otta them …
That’s what I heard too. They were there last year too. Boaters are to stay away.