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Old Mission Point Park | Jane Boursaw Photo
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Peninsula Park Commissioner Anne Griffiths sent along a note this morning that they’re looking for folks to help clear brush on the trails at Old Mission Point Park.

Anyone interested, meet Bill Stott and Anne Griffiths at Ridgewood Trailhead at 10 a.m. on Thursday, August 25, with gloves and a bypass pruner.

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Ridgewood Trailhead is located at the top of Ridgewood Road – go past Haserot Beach in Old Mission and keep following the road to the end.

For more info, email Anne at [email protected].

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  1. Is a morning during the work week a reasonable time to request volunteers? I’d say no. I think bypass pruners are insufficient for clearing brush. They are good for trimming your rose bushes and deadheading perennials but I would suggest loppers and pruning saws if you are going to do anything noticeable. Also, that picture does not suggest to me that the trails need to be cleared.


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