grapes, chateau chantal, job opps
Chateau Chantal Grapes | Jane Boursaw Photo
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Marie-Chantal Dalese, President and CEO of Chateau Chantal, sent a note along that they’re looking for folks to fill several job positions through the fall. Here’s the scoop:

Chateau Chantal is looking for part time employees through October! Besides the amazing views, friendly co-workers and 50 percent wine discount, you also earn a paycheck with great bonuses and tips.

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Seeking friendly people to serve tastes of wine, operate a computer cash register, stock shelves, stand for multiple hours and close up shop. No wine experience necessary, we provide all the training. Weekends and evenings required. Contact Bill or Kyle with specific questions: (231) 223-4110 or [email protected].


Part-time housekeepers needed to help our team of domestic professionals in the Bed & Breakfast. Same great wine discount and free bacon apply!


Part-time B&B breakfast chef/wine dinner assistant positions available. Great opportunity to work with a professionally trained chef and learn from the best! For details contact Brian Lillie at (231) 223-4110, [email protected].

View and download Chateau Chantal’s job application here.

Chateau Chantal is located at 15900 Rue de Vin, off Center Road just past The Hogsback on the Old Mission Peninsula. Visit their website here.

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