I saw the movie Snowden last night at the State Theatre in Downtown Traverse City. It’s a great movie that delves into the man behind the headlines – Edward Snowden – and makes you think about what privacy really means in our country. Not that I would know, since anyone who reads Old Mission Gazette knows every little thing about me and my life.
After the film, there was a Q&A with Edward Snowden on Skype from Moscow (I think – who knows, really), along with director Oliver Stone and actors Joseph Gordon-Levitt and Jennifer Lawrence. Everyone in the 800-and-some theaters that hosted the Q&A got to sing Happy Birthday to Mr. Stone. That was fun.
We’re not supposed to take photos or do ANYTHING AT ALL with our cell phones in the theater, so of course, I took a picture of Edward Snowden (on the left) and Joseph Gordon-Levitt (on the right) during the Q&A.