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The next meeting of the Master Plan Goals and Actions Implementation Committee will take place tomorrow, Nov. 17, at 2 p.m. at Peninsula Township offices, 13235 Center Road on the Old Mission Peninsula.
This meeting, centered on agricultural issues in Peninsula Township, will be the third round-table discussion looking at the Township’s 2011 Master Plan Goals and Actions. The task is to go through the Master Plan “Goals and Actions” and discuss the “what” and “who” that is needed to accomplish each “action”. The subject of wineries and winery-chateaus will most likely arise, as well.
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The discussion will center on defining the issues that need to be addressed, rather than debating the merits of each issue. Future meetings, where the appropriate stakeholders can be present and materials prepared in advance, will discuss the merits in detail.
This spreadsheet of the Master Plan Goals and Actions, which covers only the ag-related Goals and Actions, is an abbreviated version of the full spreadsheet.
Minutes of the joint Town Board and Planning Commission meetings for the two Ag round-table discussions on June 13 and June 23 can be found here and here (packets for these meetings can also be found here)
The first two meetings of the Master Plan Implementation committee took place on Oct. 3 and Nov. 9. Packets and minutes for these meetings can also be found on the Township website, as well as the Master Plan itself.
If you would like an excel version of the Working Spreadsheet rather than the pdf version in the packet, email me and I’ll email one to you.
If you have questions or comments, feel free to email me, [email protected], or Township Planner Gordon Hayward, [email protected].
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