Peninsula Community Library News: Remembering Wanda Crampton

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wanda crampton, library, peninsula community library
Wanda and Norm Crampton

Peninsula Community Library is truly a special place, made so by many people – staff, volunteers, patrons and visitors. It has taken a community to build PCL into the unique, beloved gathering place it is today. People come, people go and people stay, but everyone who walks through our doors leaves something special of themselves.

In its 60 year history, PCL has had only five library directors. Wanda Crampton was both director and one of those very special people who are a part of the fabric of who we are as a library. Wanda passed away on January 8 at the age of 83. She was a dear, giving lady and foresighted library director. I share with you this, from former PCL director Julie Maxson, who worked with Wanda:

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“For twenty-five years, Wanda Crampton served Peninsula Community Library patrons with diligence, grace, affection, and forward thinking. She was a mentor and friend to any and all who came into her life. Wanda had a fervent desire to provide the best library service possible, particularly in a new technological era. She truly knew her community, which is the primary attribute for an effective Library Director. She and PCL Board members had the foresight to purchase property for a stand-alone building which she felt sure would be needed some day. Wanda deserved the honor to wield a shovel at the groundbreaking for the new library, but that was not meant to be. As the planning and construction of the new library goes forward, those of us who knew and loved her will celebrate Wanda’s dream-come-true, brick by brick, book by book.”

EDITOR’S NOTE: I found this photo of Wanda overseeing a library event, which I believe is from the 1980s. Wanda was director of the Peninsula Community Library from 1985 to 1998. I checked with my Facebook crowd and believe the people in the photo are, from left, Teresa Schaub (longtime staff with Traverse Area District Library), Pat Marshall, Marsha McManus Leggett, Terilee Johnson, Joan Neumann, Claudia Berry (TCAPS Library Media Assistant), Wanda Crampton, Mary Johnson (my mom). Not sure who the gentleman seated to the left of Mom is. If you have different intel, tell us in the comments below! -JB

wanda crampton, peninsula community library
Wanda Crampton (standing, right) oversees an event at Peninsula Community Library, circa 1980s

Upcoming Events at the Library

Old Mission parents are invited to come into the library on Wednesday at 8:30 a.m. for a light breakfast and to read to their child. “Moms and Muffins” was cancelled by last week’s snow day, so “Dads and Doughnuts” will become “Parents and Pastries.” Come on in, enjoy a sweet or two, and lounge around the library to read to your child for a quiet half hour before the school bell rings at nine. Instilling a love of reading in your child begins with YOU!

The Friends of Peninsula Community Library meet Wednesday, January 18 at 1 p.m. to discuss fundraisers, as well as their vital role in the building of a new library. All are welcome to join them. Stay for refreshments and conversation afterward.

Gentle Yoga is offered  for a small fee at 9:30 a.m. on Wednesdays. Instructor Tina Livingston welcomes patrons of all abilities.

Story Stew for little ones meets on the 1st and 3rd Thursdays of the month at 9:30 a.m. Bring your kiddos in for stories, crafts, songs and more.

A Dictionary of Mutual Understanding, Jackie Copleton, library, peninsula community library
A Dictionary of Mutual Understanding by Jackie Copleton | Amazon Photo

Pageturners, our book club for adults, meets on the 3rd Thursday of the month at 6:30 p.m. Newcomers are always welcome. The January pick is “A Dictionary of Mutual Understanding” by Jackie Copleton.

Looking ahead, author and shipwreck hunter Ross Richardson joins us next week, January 26, at 7 p.m., to talk about some of America’s most baffling disappearances. What do a mild-mannered grocery store owner and an infamous skyjacker have in common?  Come find out!

The teen program, Year of the Rooster, has been postponed until February 3. Details to come later!

Bring your kids to PCL on Saturday, January 28, from 9 – noon for LEGO Mania! Enjoy free play and activities.  Enter to win a small Lego set.

Adults are invited to enter a raffle ticket for every book they read between January 1 and March 19 and be entered to win a gift card for Dinner and a Movie for Two. Details are available at the circulation desk. While you’re at it, pick up a packet of hot chocolate and a flashlight to warm and light up your winter nights!

I was privileged to know Wanda Crampton as library director, patron and friend. I have no doubt at all that when that first shovel of dirt is removed for the building of our new library, Wanda will be right there with us. We thank her especially for knowing in 1990 that those five acres at the corner of Island View and Center Roads would be The Next Chapter for Peninsula Community Library.

SUPPORT YOUR INDEPENDENT LOCAL NEWSPAPER: I started Old Mission Gazette in 2015 because I felt a calling to provide the Old Mission Peninsula community with local news. After decades of writing for newspapers and magazines like the New York Times, Los Angeles Times, Family Circle and Ladies' Home Journal, I really just wanted to write about my own community where I grew up on a cherry farm and raised my own family. So I started my own newspaper.

Because Old Mission Gazette is a "Reader Supported Newspaper" -- meaning it exists because of your financial support -- I hope you'll consider tossing a few bucks our way if I mention your event, your business, your organization or your news item, or if you simply love reading about what's happening on the OMP. In a time when local news is becoming a thing of the past, supporting an independent community newspaper is more important now than ever. Thank you so much for your support! -Jane Boursaw, Editor/Publisher, Old Mission Gazette

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