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The Planning Commission Committee on Master Plan Implementation will hold their next round-table discussion meeting on Thursday, Feb. 2 at 10 a.m. at the Peninsula Township offices, 13235 Center Road on the Old Mission Peninsula.

This meeting will be the fourth round-table discussion looking at the Township’s 2011 Master Plan Goals and Actions. It will focus on Commercial and Public/Semi-Public issues in the Township. The task is to go through the Master Plan “Goals and Actions” in these areas and discuss the “what” and “who” that is needed to accomplish each “action.”

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The Commercial Goals/Actions can be found on pages 32 to 34 of the 2011 Master Plan (view and download it here), and the relevant Public/Semi-Public Goals/Actions on pages 35 to 39. Previous round-table discussions have looked at the roads, parks, trails, and transportation goals, but these areas may come up again.

The first three meetings of the Master Plan Implementation took place on Oct. 3, Nov. 9 and Nov. 17, 2016. Packet materials and minutes of those meetings can be found on the Peninsula Township website.

The committee is working through the process with a Working Spreadsheet – view and download the Excel version here and the PDF version here.


The Master Plan mandated five-year review, conducted last year by the Planning Commission, concluded that the current Plan was a solid and still relevant document.  It needed some work on the maps, largely to ensure their accuracy, as well as digitizing to make them available to the public online. However, there was a recognition of a lack of progress over the five-year period to accomplish the Goals and Actions in the Plan.

The Planning Commission set up a committee to examine the specific Goals and Actions and recommend implementation steps. The Committee (originally Isaiah Wunsch and Monnie Peters; now Marilyn Elliot, Susie Shipman and Monnie Peters) decided the first step would be a series of round-table discussions with the public on all the Goals and Actions. These would provide some input for the basic questions:

  • What needs to be done
  • Who should be involved
  • What is the priority (low/medium/high)


There have been three meetings to date; minutes are available on the Peninsula Township website.

  • October 3, 2016: Environmental, Shoreline, Historic Overlays and Roads
  • November 9, 2016: Residential, Parks and More on Roads
  • November 17, 2016: Agricultural and Rural Agricultural Land Use (emphasis on farming in general and not on wineries)


There will be two more Round-Table Discussions:

  • February 2: Goals and Actions in the Commercial and Semi-Public/Public areas, especially the ones at the end of the section (see notes above)
  • Late February or early March: Ag issues, specifically on wineries (more info to follow)

The committee will then meet and suggest specific actions for some/many of the Goals/Actions, i.e. create an “Implementation Plan” which will be presented to the full Planning Commission for discussion, revision and possible action.

Questions or comments: contact me at [email protected] or Gordon Hayward or our new Planner, Brian VandenBrand, at [email protected].

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