blight and nuisance ordinance, rentals, short-term rentals, zoning ordinance, Peninsula Township, Township Board, Supervisor, old mission peninsula, old mission, old mission michigan, old mission gazette, old mission peninsula news, peninsula fire department, public hearings
Peninsula Township Hall | Jane Boursaw Photo
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At the May 9, 2017 meeting of the Peninsula Township Board, the subject of short term rentals was discussed. The board discussed approving resolutions opposing House Bill 4503 of 2017 and Senate Bill 329 of 2017, which reads:

“To prohibit local governments from using zoning laws to prohibit homeowners from letting out their property for vacation or short-term rentals, which would apply to using services like Airbnb.”

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A motion was made by Trustee Warren Wahl and supported by Trustee Maura Sanders to oppose House Bill 4503 of 2017 and Senate Bill 329 of 2017. The motion was passed unanimously.

In essence, by opposing these bills, Peninsula Township would retain local control over how homes on the Old Mission Peninsula are rented.

Township Supervisor Rob Manigold noted that the township would be sending a letter to both representatives, asking for both bills to be opposed. While he said the township is looking for stability in residential areas – long term rentals as opposed to weekly rentals – the township is drawing a line on enforcement at the state level. They have, however, hired an employee who will work eight hours per week monitoring rentals in the township.

“When people buy a home, they’re looking for consistency, not a residence that’s changing week by week,” notes Manigold.

Township Trustee Isiah Wunsch said that during his time on the Planning Commission, discussion took place about how to handle rentals on the Peninsula. “I don’t think that Airbnb is going away,” he said. “I think it’s important for us to retain control locally,
though. I support opposing these bills, even if we choose to regulate differently.”

Sanders agreed. “I’d rather we keep the state out of it. I’d rather look at what people are interested in today, since a lot has changed in a few years. I’m a big fan of private property rights and would like to do some more investigation.”

Township Treasurer Brad Bickle said that by passing the resolutions opposing the bills, it tells the House and Senate to let the township govern as they see fit. But he would like public input on the matter. “I think we need to have an open dialogue with our residents about where their interests lie.”

Township Clerk Joanne Westphal questioned why this type of bill is being considered. “I find it interesting that the MTA (Michigan Townships Association) came out strongly against both of these bills,” she said. “They see issues beyond Airbnb rentals or short-term rentals. I think it’s appropriate to table it and get citizen input in a manner that allows people to express themselves and engage with their neighbors. When it comes to smaller tracts of land, especially along the shoreline, I could see how that would create issues.”

Township Planning Consultant Gordon Hayward said this issue is local control vs. state control, and Deputy Treasurer/Trustee Margaret Achorn agreed. “I think that we need to let the state know that we are in charge of Peninsula Township,” she said, adding that she’d like the township to hold a public hearing before further discussion takes place at the Planning Commission.

Township resident Louis Santucci said at the meeting that it’s important for the Township Board to not take a position on the bills, and if they do, it shouldn’t be specific and shouldn’t get into short-term rentals.

“You’re having all the citizens pushing the issue, and they want to have similar legislation in all of the state. The state’s going to be looking at a lot of things – including how Peninsula Township and Leelanau Township regulate wineries. For example, why
shouldn’t wineries be allowed to have weddings? If Grand Rapids can have Airbnb rentals, why can’t we? I’ve stayed at places where the owners have parties, too. I don’t think you need to take a position on this proposal. It hasn’t even gone to the committee yet. I don’t think there needs to be a rush.”

He added that he feels the township has set up a spy office, checking on Airbnb rentals. “It’s doing damage to the trust that is put in government officials,” he said, adding that he received a letter from the township which he felt was “sloppy” and would have preferred a nice letter inquiring whether he was renting out his home.

Are you for or against short-term rental opportunities such as Airbnb in Peninsula Township? Sound off in the comments section at the bottom of this post. 

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  1. The legislature is trying to remove government involvement from usage of people’s property. It seems the township wants to be involved — and it is somewhat amazing there is money to hire a web-surfer to scout Airbnb properties. We need less government.

    • There are already local ordinances that govern noise, trash and parking. Why would you want to regulate how an owner uses his property? Short term rentals are a wonderful part of vacationers in Michigan and should not be regulated any further. This is private property and it is being used as a residential property, not a commercial property. If people wanted to stay in a hotel they would. They want to be on water and enjoy the wonderful life that Michigan offers. I’m supporting both of these bills.

  2. I understand people’s feelings of being able to do what they want with their property. When you don’t respect the rights of those around your property, I do have a problem…I live on the water…it’s our home…it’s our neighborhood…it’s not suppose to be hotel alley…we worked hard for the privilege of living where we do…there are three rentals down the beach from us…even being six and seven houses down the beach, at times the renters are so very loud…they are on vacation…having a good time enjoying the water is what folks do on vacation…the problem is this is our home…we have to go to work…when a bonfire is going until two in the morning, sleep is not always something that comes easy. I don’t blame the renters – they have paid a lot of money to vacation on the beach. With the price of these rentals, it sometimes takes more then one family to rent these cottages, so now you have multiple families in one place. When they threatened to shoot a neighbor’s dog…when they use foul language at a level that is heard down the beach…when they are disrespectful to those who ask them to please quiet down, it becomes a different story. I blame the owners of the cottages. They don’t live here so they don’t care. I live here 365 days out of the year, so I do care. We all have the right to live where we feel safe. Some weeks during the summer that isn’t always the case. Both sides on this issue need to chat about is best for our peninsula. We’ve lost so much of the uniqueness already. Let’s try not to lose more.


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