Photo of the Day: Ted Ayers Barn

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Today’s Photo of the Day is courtesy of Ted Ayers’ barn on the corner of Swaney Road and Center Road. I’m not sure if Dennis Bee still owns it or the Manigolds … but it will always be Ted Ayers’ barn to me. Ted ran Gleason & Co. down Center Road when I was a kid. Fouch’s Bowers Harbor Boat Works is there now, but when I was a kid, it was the main hub where farmers hauled cherries. (Who remembers waiting in line for lugs into the night?)

If Lois or anyone in the know reads this, let us know who owns the barn now.

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There’s a few barn cats in the barn, and Lois Manigold was telling me at the last Old Mission Women’s Club that either Dennis or Rob keep them fed. You can see one of those cats in this year’s “Cats of Old Mission Peninsula” 2018 calendar in the Old Mission Peninsula Store (check it out here).

I shot this photo on my way to the lighthouse yesterday after church, and added a little sepia filter to it just as an experiment. Let me know if you like it in the comments below.

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