Photo of the Day: West Bay Ice Blocks

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Today’s Photo of the Day is what happens when you have the confluence of thick ice in the bay, warmer weather and large amounts of wind. The wind blows that ice into shore, resulting in mountains of chunky ice beloved by photographers everywhere.

It’s been a few years since we’ve seen this happen in our East and West Bays, and it’s always a thrill when it does. It seems like we used to see it more often when I was a kid growing up in Old Mission and the winters seemed more severe. Or maybe it just seemed that way because I was a kid out playing in the snow all the time.

These photos were taken along Peninsula Drive, somewhere south of Island View Road. You can see Power Island in the background. I would love to have seen all this happen in slow motion (or maybe fast motion). Anyone have a beach-cam over there?

west bay, west grand traverse bay, peninsula drive, ice, winter, old mission peninsula, old mission, old mission michigan, pure michigan, old mission gazette, northwest michigan, peninsula township
West Bay Ice | Jane Boursaw Photo
west bay, west grand traverse bay, peninsula drive, ice, winter, old mission peninsula, old mission, old mission michigan, pure michigan, old mission gazette, northwest michigan, peninsula township
West Bay Ice | Jane Boursaw Photo

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