Here are a few photos from today’s Bayshore Marathon. This is just a small sample of all the photos I took – anyone interested can access, download and feel free to use the full collection through this link at Dropbox. (If you can’t access it, email me at [email protected].)
As always, it was a very exciting day on the Old Mission Peninsula. I love watching the runners go by and seeing all the dedication they put into their training pay off during these races.
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I had to take my son into town for work this morning, so we left home about 7 a.m. to beat the road closures. After I dropped him off at Hagerty, I drove back out Center Road to try and figure out a good spot to take photos of the runners. I talked to Dave Sanger (Peninsula Township Trustee and Ordinance Enforcer), who was pulling officer duty and directing traffic at McKinley and Center Roads. We chatted and decided that the boat launch, near the intersection of Center and East Shore Road, would be a good spot for me. So Dave kindly let me drive down that way, and I parked on Center Road just south of the intersection.
I could not have chosen a better spot for photos (thanks, Dave!). There was a lot of excitement at this location, with music blaring, throngs of runners, and an amazing number of volunteers handing out water, Gatorade, Skittles and more. I shot photos from all angles, including on Bay Shore Road as the runners headed south along the bay.
One thing that didn’t occur to me in this spot is that I’d have a front-row seat to the lead racers as they soared through. And you could see them coming a mile away, because they were MOVING. At one point, there was a buzz in the crowd as some bicyclists neared the boat launch from the north, shouting, “Lead racer!”
I’m not a runner, so I don’t know the logistics of having bikers escort this runner, but my guess is that they’re sort of parting the waters for the runner (who reminded me of a gazelle, barely breaking a sweat) and letting other runners know that someone moving very fast is headed their way. I shot photos of most of the lead runners, both male and female, and it was a major thrill.
A few hours later as I was heading home, I noticed two marathoners walking by Archie Park, so I stopped to grab a photo of them. While it’s thrilling to see the front runners, it’s just as thrilling for me to see the folks in the back of the crowd, hanging in there and participating for a cause. In the case of these folks, Laura Steinberger and Jack Morrow, their cause is Hope Water International, which you can read about here.
They still had six miles to go when I saw them. Here’s to perseverance and strength and doing something for all the right reasons. Way to go, Laura and Jack, and everyone who participated in this year’s Bayshore Marathon.
While I know some OMPers get perturbed about having the roads closed, my feeling is, it’s only for a few hours, and I would encourage folks to go cheer on the runners and be part of the excitement (read more about the Bayshore Marathon here). In fact, you can join me at the corner of Center Road and Bay Shore Drive next year. I’ll be there, camera in hand!
As mentioned, This is just a small sample of all the photos I took – anyone interested can access, download and feel free to use the full collection through this link at Dropbox. (If you can’t access it, email me at [email protected].)
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Thanks for taking those great photos. I’m Connor Kamm, the lead marathon racer you caught a shot of. Would you be willing to send me a copy of the picture you caught of me? Thanks!
Absolutely! Just sent three emails with two photos per email, so a total of six photos. Great race!