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Hey, Peninsula Township residents! Want to help steer the township toward an updated Master Plan? Here’s a great opportunity to be part of the future – and history – of the Old Mission Peninsula.
In a joint meeting held on January 22, 2019, the Peninsula Township Board of Trustees and Planning Commission unanimously agreed to form a township-wide steering committee consisting of two members each from the Township Board and Planning Commission, along with seven township residents.
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Together, this group will develop a community survey that 1) reflects resident attitudes on key issues, and 2) drives planning decisions in Peninsula Township going forward.
For perspective, the most recent township-wide survey took place in 2006, while the Master Plan was last updated in 2011, using the 2006 results.
If you’re a Peninsula Township resident who’s interested in sitting on this steering committee, email Township Clerk Becky Chown, [email protected], no later than Thursday, February 28, 2019.
Include in the email the particular area or areas of interest you’d like to explore, such as agri-tourism, short-term rentals, purchase of development rights (PDR) program, environmental protections, transportation, M37 corridor or others.
Folks who would like to serve on the steering committee will be interviewed by the Township Board and Planning Commission at a joint meeting to be held in the near future.
Click here to see Township Planner Randy Mielnik’s PowerPoint presentation titled “Peninsula Township Planning Initiatives Moving Forward.”
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