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Peninsula Township has issued two Requests for Proposal (RFP) to provide audit services and tree removal for Peninsula Township.
Audit Services
A financial audit is requested for the fiscal year end of March 31, 2019. The audit will include Peninsula Township’s financial statements of governmental activities, business-type activities, each major fund, and the aggregate remaining fund information, which collectively comprise the township’s basic financial statements.
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The financial statements are to be presented in accordance with the financial reporting model described in GASB statement No. 34. Also, the document submitted to the Township is to include combining and individual nonmajor fund financial statements and schedules that will be subjected to the auditing procedures applied in the audit of the financial statements that collectively comprise the Township’s basic financial statements.
Seven copies of your proposal must be submitted to Brad Bickle, Peninsula Township Treasurer, no later than Tuesday, March, 5th 2019, at 4 p.m. Click here to view the RFP, and contact Bickle, (231) 223-4484 for additional information.
Tree Removal
The second Request for Proposal is for tree removal, trimming and stump removal on approximately seven acres of land around Mission Point Lighthouse at the north end of Peninsula Township, Grand Traverse County.
The bid deadline is February 11, 2019 at 9 a.m. The Bid opening will be immediately after the bid deadline on February 11, 2019. Click here to view the RFP, which includes the specific work involved. For more information, contact project coordinator Bob Wilkinson, (231) 633-2592.
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Shocking the township could cruelly seek to cut down ordinary trees after spending thousands of our tax dollars fighting local residents and the road commission to prevent same last year!
Thanks for the note, Mark. Yeah, it sounds like much of the work is to maintain the health of the trees and/or canopy, i.e. dead limbs, carpenter ants, remove stumps, etc. The full scope of work is on page five here: