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Ogdensburg Cemetery on the Old Mission Peninsula | Jane Boursaw Photo
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Peninsula Township Clerk Becky Chown sent along a note that the Township is looking for residents interested in serving on a cemetery advisory committee. The committee will address challenges and opportunities at the three Township-owned, non-denominational cemeteries:

Peninsula Township Cemetery. Located on Peninsula Drive between Seven Hills Road and Kroupa Road, this is the newest and largest cemetery in the township and has a standard layout with lots marked at the corners with circular, in-ground, stainless steel plaques. These plaques are flush with the landscape and delineate the lot number and corner. In addition to the regular cemetery, this cemetery also contains a green cemetery section and a pet cemetery section. A memorial forest and columbarium have been proposed, but neither has been established to date.

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Ogdensburg Cemetery. Located on the corner of Center Road and Ladd Road, there are currently no lots available for sale here, but the clerk maintains a waiting list should a current deedholder wish to sell a plot.

Bohemian Cemetery. Located on Neahtawanta Road between Kroupa Road and Shipman Road, there are currently no lots available for sale here, but the clerk’s office maintains a waiting list if a current deedholder wishes to sell a plot.

Anyone interested in serving on the cemetery advisory committee should email Becky at [email protected] no later than April 5, 2019.

For more information about the Township cemeteries, click here. If you have questions, feel free to call Becky at (231) 223-7321.

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Photo of the Day: Ogdensburg Cemetery

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