OMPeople: The "Pit Crew" at OMPUMC Chicken BBQ 2019 | Jane Boursaw Photo
The "Pit Crew" at OMPUMC Chicken BBQ 2019 | Jane Boursaw Photo
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Here’s a little roundup of some awesome OMPeople doing awesome things around the Old Mission Peninsula.

Tim Carroll’s Angel Flies to New Library

The angel has flown! Right off of Tim Carroll’s metal structure in his back yard to the new Peninsula Community Library about a half-mile north on Center Road.

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Not only did Tim donate funds for the History Room at the new library, but he’s also donating a lot of items from his own home, including this angel, which rumor has it might find a new home on the roof of the carriage house. What’s that angel’s horn sound like, Tim? (That’s Tim Boursaw’s hand holding up the angel – it’s a story of two Tims.)

Tim (Carroll) actually had the angel crafted for his place on Center Road when he was in Haiti, after receiving a Christmas card with the angel on it.

Tim Carroll's Angel Flies to New Peninsula Community Library
Tim Carroll’s Angel Flies to New Peninsula Community Library | Jane Boursaw Photo

Ellen and Anne Plant Flowers at Legion Hall

If you’ve noticed the beautiful flowers around the Legion Hall in Old Mission, you can thank Ellen Kerr and Anne Griffiths for their work in planting and overseeing them.

Ellen Kerr and Anne Griffiths plant flowers at the Old Mission Legion Hall
Ellen Kerr and Anne Griffiths plant flowers at the Old Mission Legion Hall | Jane Boursaw Photo

And here are the flowers a few weeks later.

Flowers planted by Ellen Kerr and Anne Griffiths at the Old Mission Legion Hall
Flowers planted by Ellen Kerr and Anne Griffiths at the Old Mission Legion Hall | Jane Boursaw Photo

Old Mission Women’s Club Flowers at the Township Offices

And speaking of flowers, here are the pretty flowers at the Peninsula Township offices, planted and maintained by the Old Mission Women’s Club. (I did my two weeks of watering and managed not to kill them – high five, Jane!)

Flowers at the Peninsula Township offices, planted and maintained by the Old Mission Women's Club | Jane Boursaw Photo
Flowers at the Peninsula Township offices, planted and maintained by the Old Mission Women’s Club | Jane Boursaw Photo

Pat Sharpnack Builds an SUP at Old Mission Boat Company

Check out my neighbor Pat Sharpnack’s winter project, which is now a really cool stand up paddleboard. Note the Spartan – #GoGreenGoWhite!

Pat built it herself with help from the Old Mission Boat Company (Al Jankowski and his son, Kurt). She took it for a spin on East Bay and says it works great.

Pat Sharpnack Paddleboard from Old Mission Boat Company
Pat Sharpnack’s Stand-Up Paddleboard Built at Old Mission Boat Company | Jane Boursaw Photo

Ben Wilson Restores the Oil House at the Lighthouse

The next time you’re at Mission Point Lighthouse, wander over to the Oil House and check it out. We reported earlier this year that Ben Wilson had been restoring it with help from his Boy Scout Troop 34, and now it’s handicap-accessible. Good job, Ben!

The Oil House at Mission Point Lighthouse | Jane Boursaw Photo
The Oil House at Mission Point Lighthouse | Jane Boursaw Photo
The Oil House at Mission Point Lighthouse | Jane Boursaw Photo
The Oil House at Mission Point Lighthouse | Jane Boursaw Photo
The Oil House at Mission Point Lighthouse | Jane Boursaw Photo
The Oil House at Mission Point Lighthouse | Jane Boursaw Photo
old mission gazette, ben wilson, eagle scouts, BSA Troop 34, mission point lighthouse, oil house, old mission peninsula, old mission news, old mission photos, ben wilson, boy scouts
Ben Wilson and his Scout team at the Mission Point Lighthouse Oil House | Scout Troop 34 Photo

OMPUMC Chicken BBQ Is a (Tasty) Success

The annual Chicken BBQ at Old Mission Peninsula United Methodist Church was a big success. This is a big fundraiser for the church, and I believe they made more than $3000.

The "Pit Crew" at OMPUMC Chicken BBQ 2019 | Jane Boursaw Photo
The “Pit Crew” at OMPUMC Chicken BBQ 2019 | Jane Boursaw Photo
The "Pit Crew" at OMPUMC Chicken BBQ 2019 | Jane Boursaw Photo
The “Pit Crew” at OMPUMC Chicken BBQ 2019 | Jane Boursaw Photo
OMPeople: Emma Charlotte, Nancy Heller and Raul Gomez at the OMPUMC Chicken BBQ 2019 (with Kathy Gore photobombing in the background) | Jane Boursaw Photo
Emma Charlotte, Nancy Heller and Raul Gomez at the OMPUMC Chicken BBQ 2019 (with Kathy Gore and Kevin Gay photobombing in the background) | Jane Boursaw Photo
Kevin Gay, Ashley Buckley and Sharron Gay at the OMPUMC Chicken BBQ 2019 | Jane Boursaw Photo
Kevin Gay, Ashley Buckley and Sharron Gay at the OMPUMC Chicken BBQ 2019 | Jane Boursaw Photo

“God Keeps Us Safe” at Vacation Bible School – And So Does Our OMP Community

Also at Old Mission Peninsula United Methodist Church, they recently had their Vacation Bible School for kids. The theme was “God Keeps Me Safe,” so the guests that week included our local deputy, Brian Abbring, Maya from the Red Cross, and the crew from the Peninsula Fire Department. A few pics from when the PFD stopped by.

Peninsula Fire Department at OMP United Methodist Church Vacation Bible School on the Old Mission Peninsula
Peninsula Fire Department at OMP United Methodist Church’s Vacation Bible School
Peninsula Fire Department at OMP United Methodist Church's Vacation Bible School on the Old Mission Peninsula
Peninsula Fire Department at OMP United Methodist Church’s Vacation Bible School
Peninsula Fire Department at OMP United Methodist Church's Vacation Bible School on the Old Mission Peninsula
Peninsula Fire Department at OMP United Methodist Church’s Vacation Bible School

Thank you, OMPeople, for your dedication to our community!

SUPPORT YOUR INDEPENDENT LOCAL NEWSPAPER: I started Old Mission Gazette in 2015 because I felt a calling to provide the Old Mission Peninsula community with local news. After decades of writing for newspapers and magazines like the New York Times, Los Angeles Times, Family Circle and Ladies' Home Journal, I really just wanted to write about my own community where I grew up on a cherry farm and raised my own family. So I started my own newspaper.

Because Old Mission Gazette is a "Reader Supported Newspaper" -- meaning it exists because of your financial support -- I hope you'll consider tossing a few bucks our way if I mention your event, your business, your organization or your news item, or if you simply love reading about what's happening on the OMP. In a time when local news is becoming a thing of the past, supporting an independent community newspaper is more important now than ever. Thank you so much for your support! -Jane Boursaw, Editor/Publisher, Old Mission Gazette

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