Photo of the Day: Lavender at Brys Secret Garden

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They’re picking lavender over at Secret Garden at Brys Estate (one of our trusted Old Mission Gazette advertisers), so if you’re thinking about picking some or taking photos, get over there in the next day or two.

Their U-Cut Lavender is available for $3 to $6 per bundle, depending on the size, and Secret Garden is located at 3309 Blue Water Road on the Old Mission Peninsula (the old Giles farm for long time OMPers).

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Lavender at Brys Secret Garden on the Old Mission Peninsula
Lavender at Brys Secret Garden | Jane Boursaw Photo

When you turn into Brys Estate to go to the winery, follow the road down to the right and you’ll end up at Secret Garden. They also have a gift shop there with all sorts of lovely items.

Lavender at Brys Secret Garden on the Old Mission Peninsula
Lavender at Brys Secret Garden | Jane Boursaw Photo

If you can’t make it to the gift shop in person (though I highly recommend it because it smells soooo amazing), check out some of their things available online here.

Lavender at Brys Secret Garden on the Old Mission Peninsula
Lavender at Brys Secret Garden | Jane Boursaw Photo

You can also schedule tours, garden parties, bridal showers, photo shoots and lots more. Check it out on their website.

Up next on their U-Pick schedule: blueberries!

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