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It’s been a while since we’ve seen the water splash over Bluff Road at The Bluffs, but that happened yesterday, while the winds were crashing the waves against the shore.
When Tim’s family moved from Old Mission to Bluff Road around 1960, he says he remembers driving through water in that area – not a lot of water, but enough to make a wake with the car.
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I didn’t make it over to Neahtawanta Road yesterday, but I’m guessing it might have been a similar situation over there. Here’s a photo from earlier this summer. The water’s been close to the road – near Shipman Road – all summer.
After yesterday’s storm, we somehow still have most of our trees intact, but a neighbor had a big tree crash down on top of their truck, carving a big trench in it. Fun times.
That happened over by Neahtawanta last year, too – just after someone bought Dave Kroupa’s beautiful late 1930’s Dodge. See the proof here.
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