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Have you received your Master Plan Survey postcard in the mail yet? Ours arrived a couple of days ago, but I haven’t had a chance to fill it out yet.
The online survey is part of Peninsula Township’s long-term planning process, so they’re hoping that everyone will fill it out to help guide the direction of this 18-mile stretch of land we call home.
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Peninsula Township commissioned EPIC ▪ MRA, an independent Lansing-based survey research firm, to gather residents’ opinions on a variety of questions, issues, and preferences.
Do you want more farming? Wineries? Development? Commercial zones? Here’s your chance to give your opinion on what you want the Old Mission Peninsula to look like in the coming years.
In addition to the postcard – received by every household in the township – 200 Peninsula Township residents were selected to participate in a phone survey. Our son, Will, received one of those calls, and he said it was a fun and easy process to answer all the questions. He also said it felt great to be included in the planning process.
The postcard edition of the Master Plan Survey, which includes instructions on how to complete the online survey, contains a unique four-digit number in the upper right-hand corner. This number is required to participate in the survey, which will remain open through November 4, 2019.
Note that residents who took the phone survey may also take the online survey if they so desire, and each adult resident in the household may use the same four-digit number.
EPIC ▪ MRA will analyze all the surveys and report the results by grouping responses into categories such as age and gender.
Note: No names or email addresses are required to participate, no one who participates can or will be identified, and no responses will be reported in a manner that can be attributed to any individual respondent.
To maintain survey integrity, the township requests that only one online survey be completed per adult resident in the household.
If you do not receive a postcard for some reason and would like to participate, if you would like to arrange for the delivery of a printed copy of the questionnaire, or if you have any other questions, please call EPIC ▪ MRA at (517) 886-0860. (I’ve heard that some folks aren’t sure their survey went through; if that’s the case, call that number for more information.)
You may access the survey directly at Survey Monkey here.
Peninsula Township thanks everyone in advance for answering all the Master Plan Survey questions to the best of your ability and for participating in this important project.
Update – Oct. 26, 2019: One question on the survey gives incorrect information. Per Peninsula Township Zoning Administrator Christina Deeren, the ordinance allows “one dock per 50 feet with one hoist per 50 feet.”
And from Township Planner Randy Mielnik: Residents received post cards over the weekend and the online version of the survey effort is now underway. I spoke to EPIC today and we already have about 300 online responses collected. That is a great initial response rate and there has been positive feedback thus far. That said, there have been a few reports of people who tried to complete the survey, but could not, because of some virus protection/Internet browser issues. Solving such issues for people would be challenging for us, so if you learn of any problems, please tell people to contact Kelly Sullivan at EPIC-MRA – (517) 886-0860, [email protected]. Kelly will either walk them through browser/virus software settings, or simply (and probably preferably) send them a printed version with a stamped envelope – returned to EPIC – so they can enter the data manually.
SUPPORT YOUR INDEPENDENT LOCAL NEWSPAPER: I started Old Mission Gazette in 2015 because I felt a calling to provide the Old Mission Peninsula community with local news. After decades of writing for newspapers and magazines like the New York Times, Los Angeles Times, Family Circle and Ladies' Home Journal, I really just wanted to write about my own community where I grew up on a cherry farm and raised my own family. So I started my own newspaper.
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Update…. MRA has said some people are experiencing this problem of a potential security risk to processing to peninsula Call Kelly at MRA to receive a mailed survey. His number is 517-886-0860. Strongly suggest that any of you who got an error message or security threat call Kelly and get the mail in form. That way you will know that your opinions are being compiled. Most surveys according to Kelly are going through with no problems. Regards, Curt Peterson
Thanks so much, Curt. Appreciate the info. Sent from my Verizon, Samsung Galaxy smartphone
Where can one find the current master plan for the township?
Hi, Go to the Pen Twp home page. Then click departments and further click Planning and the link is on that page. Regards, Curt
Thanks so much, Curt.
Kevin, here is the direct lik to the 2011 Master Plan – I’ll add this to the story, too:
[…] Let’s dive into the survey results, which are already being used to help update the Peninsula Township Master Plan. […]