Photo of the Day: Eagle on Center Road

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If you were following me on Center Road the other day, near the intersection of Bluff Road, and saw me turn around at Archie Park and backtrack, these photos are the reason why. There was a line of cars ahead of and behind me, and I’m sure some of you saw the eagle that landed in the field just south of Kramer’s house.

He circled a few times and landed near something that might have been dinner, but then took off before starting to peck away at it. My writer friend, Rachel Dickinson, who is well versed in the birding world, said this particular eagle is just coming into adult plumage.

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Here are a few more photos…

Eagle on Center Road on the Old Mission Peninsula
Eagle on Center Road | Jane Boursaw Photo
Eagle on Center Road on the Old Mission Peninsula
Eagle on Center Road | Jane Boursaw Photo
Eagle on Center Road on the Old Mission Peninsula
Eagle on Center Road | Jane Boursaw Photo

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