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Missing your farm friends around the OMP? Here’s a little roundup of those lovely horses, cows, dogs and more.
Tompkins Road Dogs. Every time I drive out by the Lighthouse, I always make a point to drive by Becky Tester’s horse farm on Tompkins Road – not only to see if the horses are in the pasture (she breeds Rocky Mountain horses, and there’s a newborn in the barn!), but also those big fluffy white dogs. I think I counted eight or nine this past week. Also, Becky told me today that they’ve planted 1500 Christmas trees, which should be ready to sell in seven or eight years. Don’t worry, we’ll keep you posted on that.
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Island View Road Chickens. If you’ve ever had any of the eggs Wendy Warren sells at her farm stand at 2705 Island View Road, you can thank these chickens! Grabbed this picture of “the girls” the other day.

Tiny Animals on Peninsula Drive. I’m not sure what these little guys are – miniature donkeys? We’ll go with that until I hear otherwise. One thing I do know is that they’re adorable, and they’re part of the barnyard crew at Ligon’s farm on the corner of Peninsula Drive and Old Mission Road.

Peninsula Drive Horses. A little farther to the north of Ligons are some gorgeous horses we love to drive by and see what they’re up to. I believe their human is Lee Ann Wares. One of the horses, we like to call “Cher,” because of its amazing bangs. This one below is not Cher, but playfully rolled around in the grass for us. (No, there’s not this much snow out there – these photos were taken in March.)

Swaney Road Cows. And a little to the east, over on Swaney Road, are the cutest cows you’ve ever seen – here’s one pictured below. I believe these belong to the Clark family, who recently moved back to their farm on the OMP. The adorable cows don’t seem all that ferocious (see bottom photo).

SUPPORT YOUR INDEPENDENT LOCAL NEWSPAPER: I started Old Mission Gazette in 2015 because I felt a calling to provide the Old Mission Peninsula community with local news. After decades of writing for newspapers and magazines like the New York Times, Los Angeles Times, Family Circle and Ladies' Home Journal, I really just wanted to write about my own community where I grew up on a cherry farm and raised my own family. So I started my own newspaper.
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