Pumpkins, gourds and squash at Local Yokels Farm Stand on the Old Mission Peninsula | Jane Boursaw Photo
Pumpkins, gourds and squash at Local Yokels Farm Stand on the Old Mission Peninsula | Jane Boursaw Photo
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The Old Mission Peninsula farm stands are looking very colorful lately. Lots of red (apples), but a whole lot of orange (pumpkins). And of course, gourds and squash and other colorful autumn produce.

Local Yokels Farm Stand is (extremely) well stocked with All Things Fall. On their Instagram page, they say they have a bumper crop this year, with a huge variety of pumpkins and gourds to choose from. Along with acorn, delicata and blue Hubbard winter squash. 🎃

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Well, here, see for yourself – below is a post I embedded from their Instagram page.


Local Yokels Farm Stand is located at 13130 Center Road, which is near the Township Hall, but on the other side of the road.

They have some great videos here that show the behind-the-scenes work that goes into all the amazing things we buy at their farm stand every year. Their farm is located just a couple miles away on Phelps Road – that’s what we call LOCAL.

Pumpkins, gourds and squash at Local Yokels Farm Stand on the Old Mission Peninsula | Jane Boursaw Photo
Pumpkins, gourds and squash at Local Yokels Farm Stand on the Old Mission Peninsula | Jane Boursaw Photo

Below are a few more photos from when I stopped by their stand yesterday. Check out their website and read more about these hard-working OMP farmers. Thank you for keeping us fed!

Pumpkins, gourds and squash at Local Yokels Farm Stand on the Old Mission Peninsula | Jane Boursaw Photo
Pumpkins, gourds and squash at Local Yokels Farm Stand on the Old Mission Peninsula | Jane Boursaw Photo
Pumpkins, gourds and squash at Local Yokels Farm Stand on the Old Mission Peninsula | Jane Boursaw Photo
Pumpkins, gourds and squash at Local Yokels Farm Stand on the Old Mission Peninsula | Jane Boursaw Photo
Pumpkins, gourds and squash at Local Yokels Farm Stand on the Old Mission Peninsula | Jane Boursaw Photo
Pumpkins, gourds and squash at Local Yokels Farm Stand on the Old Mission Peninsula | Jane Boursaw Photo
Pumpkins, gourds and squash at Local Yokels Farm Stand on the Old Mission Peninsula | Jane Boursaw Photo
Pumpkins, gourds and squash at Local Yokels Farm Stand on the Old Mission Peninsula | Jane Boursaw Photo
Pumpkins, gourds and squash at Local Yokels Farm Stand on the Old Mission Peninsula | Jane Boursaw Photo
Pumpkins, gourds and squash at Local Yokels Farm Stand on the Old Mission Peninsula | Jane Boursaw Photo

SUPPORT YOUR INDEPENDENT LOCAL NEWSPAPER: I started Old Mission Gazette in 2015 because I felt a calling to provide the Old Mission Peninsula community with local news. After decades of writing for newspapers and magazines like the New York Times, Los Angeles Times, Family Circle and Ladies' Home Journal, I really just wanted to write about my own community where I grew up on a cherry farm and raised my own family. So I started my own newspaper.

Because Old Mission Gazette is a "Reader Supported Newspaper" -- meaning it exists because of your financial support -- I hope you'll consider tossing a few bucks our way if I mention your event, your business, your organization or your news item, or if you simply love reading about what's happening on the OMP. In a time when local news is becoming a thing of the past, supporting an independent community newspaper is more important now than ever. Thank you so much for your support! -Jane Boursaw, Editor/Publisher, Old Mission Gazette

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