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In today’s Old Mission Peninsula road news, there’s a giant hole in Neahtawanta Road by the Bowers Harbor Boat Launch.
When I stopped by there yesterday to get some photos, the neighborhood locals I chatted with said it seemed like something just “broke,” as in the water drainage system (a rusted culvert perhaps?). The night before – Friday night – the road flooded with water and was ultimately shut down.
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We went by there today and nothing has been repaired at this point, but it’s still shut down. Take a look at a few photos. In the first photo below, I didn’t see any light there, but also couldn’t see the back of the “cave.”
Also check out road reports earlier this week from Peninsula Drive, Center Road and Smokey Hollow Road.
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Word is that there were several beaver dams removed at Pyatt Lake. The water surge created by the removal of the dams caused the marsh area to flood at the northeast area of Neahtawanta Rd. and Peninsula Drive. This flooding contributed to the culvert washout. Although, this culvert has been washing-out sing Springtime, and there have been several “quick fix” (a.k.a. Throw some dirt and gravel in the hole) by the Road Commission without actually addressing the problem.
No surprise. Maintenance of Neahtawanta Rd. has been a severely neglected by Grand Traverse County Road Commission for many years. The potholes are horrific! Bowers Harbor Drive got new asphalt last year, then new chip & tar over the new asphalt this year…right in front of Bowers Harbor Park and Bowers Harbor Vineyard.
The two big follow-up stories should be: Who were the idiots that removed the multiple beaver dams without taking into account the flooding (including residential) that would occur? Will they be held accountable? When will the Road Commission even begin the maintenance required to re-open Neahtawanta Road? When will the Road Commission re-pave the rest of Neahtawanta Rd., instead of their yearly shovels of Dry Patch?
The road commision wishes that the peninsula would sink. They had to be fought for years to re-sign Swaney road to the 25mph limit that was correct. And, where is our “deputy” besides drinking coffee with the firemen, or lurking for 5 over violators on center rd.
Time for the ditch