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Last week, I teased the video that the Old Mission Peninsula United Methodist Church was putting together for their annual Children’s Christmas Program by posting some behind-the-scenes pics. Now we’ve got the actual video!
Since the church is not meeting in person these days because of Covid-19 restrictions, it was decided that individual families would film their own section of the video, and filmmaker extraordinaire Britney Kreiner would then splice all the sections together and work her magic.
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When I heard that the Long family was going to shoot their video at the amphitheatre at the Civic Center in town, I crashed the production and even managed to snag the non-speaking but all-important role of the stern innkeeper who had to turn Mary and Joseph away with a “No Vacancy” sign.
Other props included stuffed animals for the stable (even a penguin showed up), a baby shower “farm banner” as the backdrop, cue cards and, of course, the standard robes, towels and sheets for the characters of Joseph and Mary and others.

In non-Covid times, I play my violin every Sunday at church (where my mom played the organ for 50+ years), so we had Tim film me playing some Christmas carols in front of our woodstove, and some of that made it into the video, as well.
Also, the annual Children’s Christmas Program is always a fundraiser to help out a local family that the church has adopted, and this year is no different. From the church’s YouTube channel…
Not even COVID-19 could cancel our annual children’s Christmas play; this year we’re excited to showcase our remote video production! Featuring a multitude of kids from JAM (Jesus and Me) and our larger church community, this film is part of a charitable holiday tradition: raising money for a family in need.
If you would like to donate to Old Mission Peninsula United Methodist Church’s adopted family this year, please make checks payable to OMPUMC and mail them to 16426 Center Rd., Traverse City, MI 49686 as soon as possible.
We hope you enjoy! We also hope that this production serves as an example of what can be accomplished by a small organization with just a little extra time and effort. Please feel free to share.
Big thanks to Britney for crafting such a fun video and to all the families who participated (including a very pregnant-in-real-life Mary – props to the casting department).
Charity Warren, those sheep at your farm played their part perfectly. I only wish the sheep eating the script had made it into the video. Maybe we’ll have to do a blooper reel next time.
Take a look at the video below, and be sure and follow the church on Facebook.
SUPPORT YOUR INDEPENDENT LOCAL NEWSPAPER: I started Old Mission Gazette in 2015 because I felt a calling to provide the Old Mission Peninsula community with local news. After decades of writing for newspapers and magazines like the New York Times, Los Angeles Times, Family Circle and Ladies' Home Journal, I really just wanted to write about my own community where I grew up on a cherry farm and raised my own family. So I started my own newspaper.
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What a touching video! Great job by everyone – I loved it! Thank you for sharing.
[…] If you haven’t yet seen the Children’s Christmas Program video from Old Mission Peninsula United Methodist Church, check it out below and read more about it here. […]
The video produced by Ken Weaver showcasing the Old Mission Historical Club was great. And thanks to Ann and Judy too…. WONDERFUL VARIETY. And of course: Thanks to Jane Boursaw – we can all see it! Tomorrow I will view view MORE…. past time for bed!
[…] the church children’s program went virtual this year, Jack didn’t get the chance to be Santa there, but being Jack, he still found ways to bring […]