![Library Murder Mystery-2 Murder at Peninsula Community Library; Tim Carroll's Angel on the Carriage House | Jane Boursaw Photo](https://www.oldmission.net/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/Library-Murder-Mystery-2-640x364.jpg)
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Welcome to the final chapter of Peninsula Community Library’s cozy November WHODUNIT!
In this fun murder mystery set at Peninsula Community Library, your goal was to answer several questions by the end of November (thank you for helping us get through November, Vicki! -jb). Everyone with the correct answers was entered into a drawing for prizes. More on that below.
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To refresh your memory, read:
- Part One: The Weapon – click here
- Part Two: The Crime Scene – click here
- Part Three: The Victim – click here
- Part Four: The Murderer – click here
And onto the final chapter with the answers…
PCL Murder Mystery – Just the Facts, Ma’am!
What was the weapon? A skillet
Where in the library was the victim found? Local History Room (Archives)
Who was the victim? Cathy
What is the novel by a local author set on Old Mission and based on a real murder? Murder on Old Mission by Stephen Lewis
What subject matter would you find under Dewey’s 364.1523 section? True Crime
What is the name of the SNL-inspired film with Will Ferrell? Superstar
What is the name of the Canadian author? Louise Penny
What are the titles of the Canadian author’s books hidden in the note that was found? Fatal Grace, Cruelest Month, Brutal Telling, Bury your Dead and Still Life.
Some interesting facts about the story:
Our very own ace reporter, Old Mission Gazette publisher Jane Boursaw, really did write the news piece for the mystery AND donated some of the swag in the basket. (Delighted to be part of the fun! – jb)
All of the books mentioned in the mystery are in our collection at Peninsula Community Library.
We really did have a ghost hunters program in the library once, and one of the paranormals did say after the program that there was a presence of an older woman who loved romance novels, had worked at PCL and wanted to die at the circ desk. And yes, there really was such an employee.
I did get a mouse in the library office with a ruler when everyone else sat on top of tables and desks, and a dad did come along to take it outside because my hands were shaking afterward.
Carter Oosterhouse did pose for a pic with all of us when we had a staff meeting at Bonobo Winery.
The ringing of the bell was from the historic door hanging in the Local History Room. A gift from Tim Carroll, it is the original door complete with doorbell from his ancestral farmhouse.
There is a dragonfly sculpture (by Gilbert Carrizales) and a zylophone in the garden.
The angel weathervane on the Carriage House was a gift from Tim Carroll. Perched before the library on a tower in Tim’s backyard, it is originally from Haiti.
The bios of the staff are true, aside from the fact that not one of them is anything but good and upstanding!
Now, the moment you have all been waiting for. Fifty-four people participated in the murder mystery, and 32 had the correct answers and were entered into the drawing. The winners of the prize draw are:
Chris and Donna Earle – Basket of Goodies
Dan and Cheryl Olson – Gift certificate to Horizon Books
David and Cody Wall – Old Mission Peninsula cap
Gretchen Soutear – Bottle of wine
As the library is currently closed for indoor service (but we’re happy to help you curbside!), you may pick up your prizes curbside by calling us from the parking lot. Remain in your car and we will bring them out to you.
Many thanks to my staff for playing along, especially Penny and Cathy, who had no idea they were the suspect and victim and were great sports once they found out!
Thanks to all for playing along! Happy December!
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SUPPORT YOUR INDEPENDENT LOCAL NEWSPAPER: I started Old Mission Gazette in 2015 because I felt a calling to provide the Old Mission Peninsula community with local news. After decades of writing for newspapers and magazines like the New York Times, Los Angeles Times, Family Circle and Ladies' Home Journal, I really just wanted to write about my own community where I grew up on a cherry farm and raised my own family. So I started my own newspaper.
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