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At their regular meeting this week, the Peninsula Township Planning Commission will hold a public hearing on the Bella Vue development. The meeting will take place virtually via Zoom on Monday, Jan. 25, 2021 at 7 p.m.
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The proposed Bella Vue development is a Planned Unit Development (PUD) under Special Use Permit #137. The project includes five proposed residential building lots with access from a private road. The proposed private road would connect to Center Road – about a quarter-mile north of the Bluff Road intersection on the east side of Center Road – and terminate in a cul-de-sac.
Plans also include drainage, storm water retention and wastewater management infrastructure. A public hearing on this same development was held in July 2020, when it consisted of six proposed residential building lots.
At their meeting on Jan. 12, the Township Board voted unanimously to allow this project to move forward as a Planned Unit Development (PUD), even though at 4.25 acres, the parcel contains fewer than the 20 acres required by PUDs in the zoning ordinance.
During the meeting, Township Planner Randy Mielnik noted that the number of homes has decreased from six to five, due to acreage and topography issues. The Board is also requesting 3D modeling as part of the site plan. The developer asked whether this was necessary, given the cost, but the Board noted that even with smaller developments such as this, 3D modeling is necessary to make an informed decision.
Other items on Monday’s Planning Commission agenda include an update on the Zoning Ordinance revisions, Zoning Ordinance Amendment #200; Regulation of Free-Standing Solar Panels, election of officers and recommendation of a member to serve as a representative to the Zoning Board of Appeals.
If you have thoughts on the Bella Vue development, feel free to voice them at the Planning Commission public hearing on Monday, or send a note to Township Planner Randy Mielnik, [email protected].

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