Twilight at Old Mission Harbor | Jane Boursaw Photo
Twilight at Old Mission Harbor | Jane Boursaw Photo
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Today’s Photo of the Day is courtesy of a picture I took last night from Haserot Beach looking south. Well, sort of southeast.

I posted the picture to Old Mission Gazette’s Instagram page (follow us over here), and @michmsgirl (a.k.a. Mary Mlujeak Sarris, who grew up on Bay Street) said this: “Oh, how I wish I was there to forget all the evil and craziness of this world.”

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I think we all feel that way, Blue Jay, which is why Tim and I always stop at Haserot Beach on our daily trip around the OMP. It nurtures and restores us.

And sometimes you just get lucky with the light, as was the case last night. The sky was magnificent, and the lowering sun in the west cast just the right color and shadows over Old Mission Harbor.

Sending out lots of love to all of you.

P.S. By the way, because people always inquire, I’m trying to get better about adding photos into our sister site,, so I popped this one into the store as a wrapped canvas in two sizes: 30″ x 24″ and “36 x 12”. You can buy it here.

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