Georgia Holman at Garden Goods in Traverse City, Michigan | Garden Goods Photo
Georgia Holman at Garden Goods in Traverse City, Michigan | Garden Goods Photo
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Here are a few photos of OMPers and things happening around the Old Mission Peninsula (and Traverse City!) lately.

Georgia Holman at Garden Goods. I’m still super excited about OMP farmers Cory and Elise Holman purchasing Garden Goods earlier this year – I wrote about it here. And I especially love seeing pictures of my neighbor Georgia Holman (their grandma) working in the greenhouse (which is filling up fast with all sorts of springs flowers, plants and veggies)! A couple photos from their Facebook page

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Georgia Holman at Garden Goods in Traverse City, Michigan | Garden Goods Photo
Georgia Holman at Garden Goods in Traverse City, Michigan | Garden Goods Photo
Elise Holman, Georgia Holman and Cory Holman at Garden Goods in Traverse City, Michigan | Garden Goods Photo
Elise Holman, Georgia Holman and Cory Holman at Garden Goods in Traverse City, Michigan | Garden Goods Photo

Hone your writing skills. My brother-in-law Steve Lewis is teaching an Extended Ed. class at NMC. The “Story Writing Workshop” is $89 and meets via Zoom for five Wednesdays, beginning May 19 through June 16, 7-9 p.m.

From the class description: “Explore the elements of storytelling, whether as non-fiction or fiction, in a workshop setting under the guidance of novelist and narrative writing instructor Stephen Lewis. You will write regularly, a couple of pages a week, which we will subject to peer critiquing during our Zoom classes. Emphasis will be on effective narration, including such principles as ‘show rather than tell,’ all designed to encourage the reader to want to find out what happens next.” Sign up here.

Here is Steve with Bert Courson (my long-time friend and Steve’s new friend) at Peninsula Grill in 2019 during the launch for my sister Carol’s posthumous book “The Wolfkeeper” (which you can buy here).

Steve Lewis and Bert Courson at the launch for Carolyn Lewis' book The Wolfkeeper | Jane Boursaw Photo
Steve Lewis and Bert Courson at the launch for Carolyn Lewis’ book The Wolfkeeper | Jane Boursaw Photo

Vicki Shurly and Fred Zwemer. We can’t see them smiling, but we know they are! (They’re smiling with their eyes!) Here’s Peninsula Community Library Director Vicki Shurly handing one of the yummy Boathouse takeout meals to Fred Zwemer during the “Books With the Boathouse” annual fundraiser last week. And below that? Another photo of these two that seems like a lifetime ago, but was just a mere three years ago in 2018 when the new library was being built.

Peninsula Community Library Director Vicki Shurly hands Fred Zwemer his "Books With the Boathouse" fundraiser dinner | Jane Boursaw Photo
Peninsula Community Library Director Vicki Shurly hands Fred Zwemer his “Books With the Boathouse” fundraiser dinner | Jane Boursaw Photo
peninsula community library, pcl, old mission gazette, old mission news, peninsula township, new library, old mission, old mission michigan, vicki shurly, fred zwemer
Peninsula Community Library Director Vicki Shurly and Building Committee member Fred Zwemer at the construction site for the new library, Nov. 2018 | Jane Boursaw Photo

Library Friends Group. Meanwhile, in the carriage house next to the library, these three were busy handing out auction items to the winners who scored the highest bid. I managed to go home with a beautiful cutting board hand-made by OMPer George Soullier – and I couldn’t be happier about that.

left to right, Michele Westcott, Pat Wittcopp and Madelyn Ryan of the Friends of Peninsula Community Library group, organizing the auction fundraiser for the library | Jane Boursaw Photo
left to right, Michele Westcott, Pat Wittcopp and Madelyn Ryan of the Friends of Peninsula Community Library group, organizing the auction fundraiser for the library | Jane Boursaw Photo

Hessler Cleanup Crew. Next time you’re at Mission Point Lighthouse, swing by the little Hessler Log Home next door and check out how pretty and clean it looks. Here’s the crew from the Old Mission Peninsula Historical Society that made it happen.

Spring Cleanup Crew at Hessler Log Home, Peninsula Township Lighthouse Park | Scarbrough Photo
Spring Cleanup Crew at Hessler Log Home, Peninsula Township Lighthouse Park | Scarbrough Photo

Landscaping at Haserot Beach. The new play structure at Haserot Beach is a welcome addition to the area. Built last fall, I almost always see kids playing on it when I drive by the beach. The other day, I spotted Bob Wilkinson, who handles maintenance for Peninsula Township parks, and a helper putting some finishing touches on the landscaping around the play structure. Looks great, guys!

Parks Maintenance Bob Wilkinson and helper work on landscaping at the Haserot Beach play structure | Jane Boursaw Photo
Parks Maintenance Bob Wilkinson and helper work on landscaping at the Haserot Beach play structure | Jane Boursaw Photo
Landscaping at the new Haserot Beach play structure | Jane Boursaw Photo
Landscaping at the new Haserot Beach play structure | Jane Boursaw Photo

Landscaping at Fire Station 3. While we had the official ribbon-cutting ceremony for Peninsula Township Fire Department’s new Fire Station 3 last month, they’re still working on a few things. Here are some guys from Basch Excavating working on the landscaping around the new building.

Landscaping at Peninsula Township Fire Department's new Station 3 on the Old Mission Peninsula | Jane Boursaw Photo
Landscaping at Peninsula Township Fire Department’s new Station 3 on the Old Mission Peninsula | Jane Boursaw Photo
Landscaping at Peninsula Township Fire Department's new Station 3 on the Old Mission Peninsula | Jane Boursaw Photo
Landscaping at Peninsula Township Fire Department’s new Station 3 on the Old Mission Peninsula | Jane Boursaw Photo

Johnny Rokos gets his face on a Short’s Brewing poster. “A Huma a day is the Johnny Rock way.” We know this because it says so right on the Short’s Brewing poster below. Order one up and say hi to Peninsula Grill‘s longtime bartender next time you’re in there (we have stories, but people might have to die before we can tell them).

John Rokos gets his face on a Short's Brewing poster | Peninsula Grill Photo
Johnny Rokos gets his face on a Short’s Brewing poster | Peninsula Grill Photo

SUPPORT YOUR INDEPENDENT LOCAL NEWSPAPER: I started Old Mission Gazette in 2015 because I felt a calling to provide the Old Mission Peninsula community with local news. After decades of writing for newspapers and magazines like the New York Times, Los Angeles Times, Family Circle and Ladies' Home Journal, I really just wanted to write about my own community where I grew up on a cherry farm and raised my own family. So I started my own newspaper.

Because Old Mission Gazette is a "Reader Supported Newspaper" -- meaning it exists because of your financial support -- I hope you'll consider tossing a few bucks our way if I mention your event, your business, your organization or your news item, or if you simply love reading about what's happening on the OMP. In a time when local news is becoming a thing of the past, supporting an independent community newspaper is more important now than ever. Thank you so much for your support! -Jane Boursaw, Editor/Publisher, Old Mission Gazette

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