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A small but mighty crowd gathered for the Sixth Annual “Patriotic Walk Around Old Mission” on Sunday, July 4, 2021 (formerly the “Bay Street Parade”).
The day was warm, but the spirits were high as participants assembled in Mike and Karen Norton’s driveway on Bay Street opposite Haserot Beach.
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Kids on bicycles, dogs decked out in red, white and blue, and all manner of Jeeps, Corvettes, golf carts and fire engines made their way down Bay Street and around the corner to the Old Mission Legion Hall, where veterans Tom Petzold and Bernie Oakes led the Pledge of Allegiance.
“What a beautiful day, a great team of planners, and a great parade!” said Connie Sargent, who led the organization team (and pulled it off in record time, as she was getting the Dougherty House ready for tours last week).
Here are a few photos of the fun event. Big thanks to Connie and the Old Mission team for making this year’s event happen!
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[…] was a good crowd at Haserot Beach on the Fourth of July. I took this photo right after the “Patriotic Walk Around Old Mission” that […]