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Here are just a few of the top stories making news on the Old Mission Peninsula in 2022…
New Pickleball Courts in the Works. A new group formed to organize the fundraising and building of new pickleball courts at Bowers Harbor Park. While it seemed that might not happen at one point, the effort is back underway again. Read the latest update here.
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Township Approves Farm Processing Facilities Ordinance. After much discussion and public debate, the Peninsula Township Board adopted a new ordinance governing the construction and use of farm processing facilities for OMP farms and wineries. Read Township Supervisor Isaiah Wunsch’s notes on the ordinance here.
Old Mission Legion Hall Gets a New Roof. The Garland-Tompkins American Legion Post 399 raised funds (and secured a grant from Rotary Charities) for a new roof for the Legion Hall, which was installed in August. The group also had a successful year of community dinners twice a month. Read Post Commander Rudy Rudolph’s year-end report here.
Parks Committee Updating Five-Year Plan. The Committee is currently updating its five-year parks and recreation plan, which includes an expansion for Bowers Harbor Park. Read more here.
Dougherty House Adds Cole Pavilion. The folks at the Dougherty Mission House in Old Mission added a new Pavilion honoring Bill Cole, who championed the work of restoring the house and turning it into a museum for the community. Read more here.
Tim Carroll’s Walk through the Cemetery. Local historian Tim Carroll took a walk through the Ogdensburg Cemetery and invited the community to join him. I followed along and captured Tim’s stories about the folks laid to rest there. Watch the video here.

Crash Claims Beloved OMP Resident. An accident on Center Road claimed the life of my friend, Kathy Hardy, who was riding her bicycle at the time. Read my tribute to Kathy here.
Deputy Talks Rumors, Fatal Crash and More. Township Deputy Sean Mugerian addresses a few rumors, discusses the fatal crash mentioned above, and gives us a behind-the-scenes look at the work he and Deputy Virnell France do on the Old Mission Peninsula. Read more here.
Fall Colors are Spectacular. As always, the fall colors on the OMP were a sight to behold. Check out 73 pics of the colors here, and while you’re at it, here are 18 photos of the spring blossoms and 30 photos of the winter.
Bears! It’s been at least a generation since any bears were spotted on the OMP, but there were a couple of bear sightings this year, including here and here.
Library Partners with Michigan Medicine. Peninsula Community Library partnered with Michigan Medicine on a series of lectures that proved to be very popular, including hearing disorders and blood cancers. Also, big thanks to Library Director Vicki Shurly for always keeping us updated on the library happenings.
Farm Stand News. As always, OMP farm stands offered a variety of tasty, colorful and healthy options for residents. We even had two new stands open on the Peninsula. Read more here.

Mrs. Wilson, Billboards and a Chance Encounter in Washington D.C. In Old Mission history, Barb Wunsch, Tim Carroll and Helen Vogel reflect on Margaret Wilson, a pillar of our community who literally helped to shape the OMP landscape. Read Barb’s story here.
Updates on Assorted News and Projects. We had updates on several news items in 2022, including the Seven Hills Development, Bluff Road Closure, Winery Lawsuit, and Purchase of Development Rights (read more about the PDR program here).
Log Cabin Day, Church BBQ, and Walk Around the Block. The 10th Annual “Patriotic Walk Around the Block” took place in Old Mission on the Fourth of July, the Old Mission Peninsula Historical Society once again hosted Log Cabin Day, and the Old Mission Peninsula United Methodist Church hosted their annual Chicken BBQ. All three events were a smashing success.
Tree Planters and a New Ambulance. The Tree-Planting group – a subset of the OMP Historical Society – continued their quest to line Peninsula roads with trees. Click here for pics of them planting trees on Kelly Hill in June (if you’d like a tree planted in memory of someone, click here). In that same post, check out the new ambulance acquired by the Peninsula Township Fire Department.
Township Comings and Goings. In June, Supervisor Rob Manigold and Township Attorney Greg Miehn resigned, and that same month, Isaiah Wunsch was appointed as our new Supervisor. In May, Township Treasurer Brad Bickle resigned, with Deputy Treasurer Marge Achorn stepping into the role. Other newcomers to the OMP include Deputy Sean Mugerian, Planner Jenn Cram, and Pastor Andrea Johnson, who now shepherds the flock at OMP United Methodist Church.
Friendly Church Battle. There’s a battle going on at the OMP United Methodist Church. A friendly battle. More of a gentle hug really. Involving doors. Read what Wes Gore and Helen Mumford are up to here.

Jane Loses Soulmate. Well, not really. Though my partner-in-crime of 42 years, Tim Boursaw, passed on Jan. 5, 2022, I really feel like he’s still with me (and have proof of this, which I may write about at some point). We held a memorial get-together for him at Bowers Harbor Park in July. Read what I wrote for it here (and thanks to my friend, Marge Long, for reading it at the gathering). Memorials also took place in 2022 for other lifelong OMPers Lorey Kroupa and Gerry Swaney. Rough year for the OMP.
Tim Sends Jane a Cat. The day after Tim passed, he sent me a cat. I named the cat Charley (she’s a girl) after Tim’s middle name, Charles. This story is one for the books. Read it here, and read all about Charley’s shenanigans through the year here.
Jane Takes a Trip. A few months after Tim passed, I gathered up what courage I could muster and flew to Los Angeles to hang out with my daughter, Marissa. You all helped bolster me on this big adventure. I posted about Part One of the trip here, and that’s as far as I got. But, I have a few more things to say about that trip, which included a jaunt to Yosemite and a hike that nearly sent me to be with Tim. I’m writing this, so you know I survived.
Anyway, we’ll see if I can get it together to write more about my trips last year. Also, when I got home, I flew over the OMP with my brother Ward in his 4-seater plane (more to come on that), and also flew back out to L.A. again in November. This, after not flying anywhere for 42 years. It’s been something. Here’s me at an In-N-Out Burger in L.A. Marissa had to work that day, so I had the car to myself.

Whale Sighting. As per usual, there was our annual whale sighting right on schedule – *April 1 – signaling the beginning of the Great Lakes Whale Migration. See the glorious Humpback Whale spotted near the Lighthouse here.
Lani the Reading Dog. Barb Wunsch wrote about that big loveable pooch, Lani, who loves it when all the kids read to her. Read Barb’s story here.
Spring Meanderings in Old Mission. Rudy Rudolph muses about woodpeckers, squirrels, mushrooms and Bagley Pond on an early spring walk in Old Mission. I so appreciate all of you who sent stories in when I could barely string two words together. Thank you. (Also read Paula Kelley’s story about her party pup Roxie here, and Marc Hooper’s story about his mom, Deni, here.)
Fire Department Awards. Chief Fred Gilstorff is the best at building a team to serve and protect OMPers. Check out some pics of the annual Firefighter Awards presented at the Township Hall in April.
Farmer Warren Teaches OMPS Kids about Maple Syrup. Lifelong OMP farmer Jeremiah Warren loves teaching the kids at Old Mission Peninsula School all about maple syrup. Read all about it in Part One and Part Two.

SUPPORT YOUR INDEPENDENT LOCAL NEWSPAPER: I started Old Mission Gazette in 2015 because I felt a calling to provide the Old Mission Peninsula community with local news. After decades of writing for newspapers and magazines like the New York Times, Los Angeles Times, Family Circle and Ladies' Home Journal, I really just wanted to write about my own community where I grew up on a cherry farm and raised my own family. So I started my own newspaper.
Because Old Mission Gazette is a "Reader Supported Newspaper" -- meaning it exists because of your financial support -- I hope you'll consider tossing a few bucks our way if I mention your event, your business, your organization or your news item, or if you simply love reading about what's happening on the OMP. In a time when local news is becoming a thing of the past, supporting an independent community newspaper is more important now than ever. Thank you so much for your support! -Jane Boursaw, Editor/Publisher, Old Mission Gazette
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You do the best job of keeping us all in the know when it comes to OM people, places, events. Thanks so much, Jane!