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Here’s a roundup of recent news and photos around the Old Mission Peninsula…
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Backup Maintenance Person Needed. Handy with a chainsaw? Like to fix things? Peninsula Township is looking for a backup maintenance person to work on things around the Peninsula that Maintenance Manager Bob Wilkinson can’t fit into his already packed schedule. If interested, email Township Clerk Becky Chown, [email protected].
Keeping the Deer Out. The crew at Local Yokels‘ new location (the old Kramer farm – corner of Center Road and Gray Road) have been busy putting a fence around their strawberries. I’m guessing to keep the deer out, but maybe humans, too! As I mentioned last summer, it’s great to see that piece of land in production again – and with strawberries, which some of you might remember the Kramers grew there. Can’t wait for Farm Stand Season 2023.

Historic Old Mission Church Gets a Makeover. At the March 2 meeting of the Old Mission Peninsula Historical Society, Karen Rieser will outline the renovation of exhibits to be installed this spring at the historic Log Church in Old Mission. The church is a replica of the first school and church that missionary Rev. Peter Dougherty built in 1841. The replica was built in 1937.
A short business meeting will take place at 6 p.m., followed by Karen’s program. Also on the agenda: reports from the Memorial Tree Planting committee and Log Cabin Day committee (to take place June 25, 2023), and an update on the 1842 Dougherty House in Old Mission.
The meeting will take place at Peninsula Community Library, 2893 Island View Road (on the corner of Center Road), and new members and visitors are always welcome. For more info, contact Historical Society President Nikki Sobkowski, [email protected].

Fire Department Awards. At the Peninsula Township Board meeting last week, Fire Chief Fred Gilstorff presented the annual Fire Department awards to members of the Peninsula Township Fire Department. Firefighter Fred Danielson was presented with the “Fire Chief Rich Vandermey Memorial Firefighter of the Year” award. “Fred is very dedicated to the department and residents,” notes Chief Gilstorff. “He works hard to increase his knowledge and skill. He’s a great team mate and shows a great attitude everyday.”
Members receiving department citations include Lt. Brent Strom, Lt. Nick Haines and Lt. Kyle Sarber, and Firefighters Joe Sicoli, Joe Cleminson, Cobey Taylor, Kyle Johnson, Kalep Adams, Cory Reamer, Ethan Passalacqua, Paul Lipke, Grant Blackmer, Dan Drew and Griffin Dunn.
Cory Reamer received a Service Award for 32 years of service to the Peninsula Fire Department. “The Peninsula Township Fire Department appreciates all the hard work and dedication of all its members,” says Gilstorff. “Together we make a strong team and look forward to serving the residents and visitors of Peninsula Township.”

A Boat Launch and a Logo Contest. A few brief notes from this week’s Parks Committee meeting … A boat launch at Kelley Park is still in the works, so don’t give up hope there. Although there’s no official time frame yet, Township Clerk Becky Chown said at the meeting that she is working with someone on a plan/drawing for the boat launch, and that it will be as discussed previously – a small launch for fishing boats and carry-down boats like canoes and kayaks.
Also, the Parks Committee is working on consistent branding for their signage across the parks, and discussed possibly having a logo design contest. Stay tuned for more on that. And, new playground equipment for Bowers Harbor Park is moving forward. There is no delivery date at this writing, but it sounds like it might happen sometime soon.
Restaurant and Food Notes: The Boathouse is offering their popular burger special in their lounge on Wednesday nights. Get a burger, fries and a glass of cabernet for $18. At Peninsula Grill, Happy Hour specials include calamari, shrimp, dirty fries, artichoke dip and wings (6) for $10 each. Bottled beer is $1 off, and draft beer, well drinks and wine by the glass are all $2 off. Happy Hour is Monday – Saturday, 3-5:30 p.m. and all day Sunday.
At the Jolly Pumpkin, their Friday Fish and Chips special includes fried perch, fries, cole slaw and tartar sauce. And at Old Mission Peninsula United Methodist Church, the Men’s Breakfast is back on the last Saturday of the month, beginning with Saturday, Feb. 25 at 8 a.m. The next one will be on March 25. This is open to all men, young and old, in the community. Start the day off with a hearty breakfast and good conversation.
Can’t Find Your Key? If you’re missing a key, it might be the one hanging on the sign at the Murray Road Trailhead at Old Mission Point Park. Photographic evidence…

And if you’re missing a glove, check this tree on the trail near the Ridgewood Road Trailhead.

Top Realtor Sales. OMP resident Ted Schweitzer – who was my very first advertiser on Old Mission Gazette back in 2015 and has stuck with me through the years – continues to achieve greatness in the real estate world.
“What another amazing year it was,” he writes on his Facebook page. “I LOVE what I do! A special thank to all my amazing clients – I take being your trusted advisor very seriously. This being my second year of achieving within the top 1 percent of all realtors nationally in sales was accomplished one client at a time.” Way to go, Ted!
If you’re looking for a trusted realtor who has your back, contact Ted, (231) 645-5656, [email protected]. For more info and to check out his listings, visit his Real Estate One page here.

National Writers Series. The speaker at last week’s meeting of the Old Mission Women’s Club was Anne Stanton, Executive Director of the National Writers Series. She talked about the group’s beginnings, upcoming events, their work with school kids and more. Check out what’s happening at their website here.
That’s her husband Doug Stanton‘s book, “Horse Soldiers,” in the middle of the stack below. Doug and I went to school together in Traverse City until he saved up enough money to switch to Interlochen Arts Academy and begin the career path that would lead to multiple best-selling books, movies and the National Writers Series. Way to go, Doug!

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