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Here’s a roundup of recent and upcoming news and photos around the Old Mission Peninsula…
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Log Cabin Day. The annual Log Cabin Day, hosted by the Old Mission Peninsula Historical Society, is happening this Sunday, June 25, 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. The event is part of a statewide celebration of pioneer cabins. The restored Hessler Log Cabin at Lighthouse Park (20500 Center Road – the end of M37) will be open for tours inside – this is the only time of year this happens. Mission Point Lighthouse is also open for tours, and any funds earned that day will go towards the Historical Society.
UPDATE: See photos of this year’s Log Cabin Day here.
The historic Peter Dougherty Mission House and the Replica Log Church (the displays inside were recently re-done), both on Mission Road, will also be open from 12 to 4 p.m. that day. There’s a small fee for the Dougherty and Lighthouse tours; other activities are free of charge.
In the 1990s, the Hessler cabin was moved from its original location at Underwood Farms to Lighthouse Park, where it was restored by volunteers who then formed the Old Mission Peninsula Historical Society, a 501C3 organization, to continue its maintenance. Later, the group worked to have Peninsula Township acquire the historic Dougherty House, which now operates its own 501 nonprofit organization. For more info about Log Cabin Day, feel free to email Judy Weaver, [email protected].
Here’s a picture of my dad, Walter Johnson, and Hedy Quick, working on the restoration of the Hessler Log Cabin in the 1990s. Below that is my cousin, Phyllis (Johnson) Cooley, giving a tour at least year’s Log Cabin Day.

Chicken BBQ. I included this in last week’s roundup, but here it is again in case anyone didn’t see it. The annual (and tasty) Chicken BBQ at Old Mission Peninsula United Methodist Church is happening this Saturday, June 24, 4:30 – 6:30 p.m. at the church, 16426 Center Road (at the top of the hill on the right before you get to Old Mission Tavern). This is a community event, and everyone is invited. A free will offering is accepted.
UPDATE: See photos of this year’s Chicken BBQ here.
The chicken is buttery good and grilled over an apple wood fire pit at the church. There will also be sides like potato salad, old-fashioned coleslaw, baked beans, and plenty of homemade desserts. Just drop in between 4:30 and 6:30 p.m., or call for takeout earlier in the day on Saturday, (231) 223-4393. Here’s the gang at the BBQ pit last year.

OMP Roses With a History. My sis-in-law, Laura Johnson, sent me a pic of these beautiful roses at her and my brother Dean’s place on the corner of Kroupa Road and Center Road. She said the old-fashioned bushy roses are peaking right now and they’re extremely fragrant. Apparently, they only bloom once during the summer and then they’re gone.
Her brother-in-law’s dad, Wilbert Wilhelm (perhaps related to our own Tim Carroll, whose ancestors include Wilhelms?), rescued the roses from a house that was being torn down near the Emmet County Fairgrounds in the 1950s. The roses ended up at Laura’s sister’s house, and from there, Laura got some cuttings and started them at her and Dean’s house here on the OMP.
Hmm … I have some great spots where a rose bush like that would be lovely. Maybe the roses will make their way over to my place on Bluff Road, too! I love all the history of plants and flowers that move around from home to home. I have quite a few from my parents’ house, including some lilac bushes at the bottom of the driveway.

Strawberries! Yes, that special time I wait for all year has arrived. There are strawberries on OMP farm stands. I’ve spotted them at Wendy Warren’s stand on Center Road across from Fire Station #2 (in near town), and also at Local Yokels stand on the corner of Gray Road and Center Road (likely at their stand at 13130 Center Road, too – near the Township offices).
Along with Bardon’s being open, I feel like strawberries at the farm stands are a sure sign that summer is definitely here.

Peonies! Ginny Coulter says the peonies are blooming like crazy at Old Mission Flowers, her beautiful garden on the corner of Center Road and Ladd Road (near OMP United Methodist Church). Stop by and pick up a few – for yourself or others, preferably both!

Township Job Opening. Peninsula Township is looking for someone to fill the part-time position of Treasurer’s Assistant. Starting pay is $20/hour, with a maximum of 20 hours per week. The primary function of the job is to serve as an assistant to the township treasurer and deputy treasurer during the busy tax season, or if the deputy or treasurer is on leave. Regular contact with township staff and the public is necessary, and you must be able to work effectively with individuals, taxpayers, trustees, co-workers, departments and committees to achieve a desired outcome.
A full job description, including responsibilities, is on the home page of the Township website here. If you’re interested, contact the treasurer’s office, (231) 223-4484, or email Treasurer Marge Achorn, [email protected], or Deputy Treasurer Katie Clark, [email protected].
Like to Water Trees? Then the Township Parks Committee needs you! The young trees at Bowers Harbor Park need a drink of water now and then. If you’re able to help out, email your contact info to Parks Committee member Michele Zebell, [email protected], and she’ll get back with you and put you on the schedule.

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