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(This story is part of a continuing series about a collection of vintage slides from Old Mission Peninsula School that former OMPS Principal Bob Panter gave to Peninsula Community Library’s Local History Room in 2022. Read how it came about here, and check out more vintage OMPS photos here. -jb)
Today’s installment of the Vintage OMPS Photo series involves a very serious game of chess in the cafeteria. They look intense, don’t they?
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I’m guessing it was taken sometime in the 1960s…? I’ll need some help from you as to who’s in the photo. I don’t recognize anyone, although the person sitting on the table might possibly be a Bee. They lived just up the road from us in Old Mission.
Was cafeteria chess a thing? Maybe before school started in the morning? I don’t recall it being a thing when I was there in the 1960s and 70s.
Also, on the wall to the left, I can just make out the words “Pack 26,” so I’m guessing that’s a Cub Scout thing…
If you can identify anyone in the photo or supply other info, tell us in the comments section at the bottom of the story.
Update from Ed Stych from the comments below:
I’m really stretching my memory on this chess photo, but I believe those guys are from my class, so this would be from the early 1970s — 1972 or 1973. It’s probably Sixth Grade.
I believe that is Brian Bee sitting on the table, Steve Hartley in the yellow (not sure about the last name), and Jeff Ellens across from Steve and wearing the darkest green shirt. The boy on the left in the lightest green shirt is familiar, but I can’t quite place him.
I wasn’t a chess player, and I don’t know when or how often they played. I was in Cub Scouts and Boy Scouts at Old Mission. I don’t think this was Cub Scouts, because I think Cub Scouts ended at age 10. And I don’t think it was Boy Scouts, because I don’t remember Bee or Ellens being in Boy Scouts.
Thanks, Ed! See all OMPS Vintage Photos here.

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I’m really stretching my memory on this chess photo, but I believe those guys are from my class, so this would be from the early 1970s — 1972 or 1973. It’s probably Sixth Grade.
I believe that is Brian Bee sitting on the table, Steve Hartley in the yellow (not sure about the last name), and Jeff Ellens across from Steve and wearing the darkest green shirt. The boy on the left in the lightest green shirt is familiar, but I can’t quite place him.
I wasn’t a chess player, and I don’t know when or how often they played. I was in Cub Scouts and Boy Scouts at Old Mission. I don’t think this was Cub Scouts, because I think Cub Scouts ended at age 10. And I don’t think it was Boy Scouts, because I don’t remember Bee or Ellens being in Boy Scouts.
Thank you, Ed! I’ll correct my 1960s timeline.
Hello thi is christopher Carroll, that is me on the right playing chess it was 1969, Iwas in the 5th grade. Mr Panter was my teacher I moved away from Old Mission the very next year. Finding this photo has been a great treat ! Thank you !