Peninsula Township Offices, Peninsula Township Clerk; Peninsula Township Supervisor
Peninsula Township Offices | Jane Boursaw Photo
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(Editor’s Note: As we head into this year’s election, I’ll be running a series of notes and Q&As from the candidates running for Peninsula Township office. If you’re running for office, feel free to send along a message for Township voters and I’d be happy to publish it. Also, look for an email from me with questions in the near future. Below is a note from Maura Sanders, who is running for Township Supervisor. A big thank-you to everyone who is running for office. -jb)

Greetings, Old Mission Peninsula residents, visitors and enthusiasts. My name is Maura Sanders, and I am running for Peninsula Township Supervisor. I am entrusting Old Mission Gazette with my opinion piece to spread the word about myself and my candidacy.

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I came into public service after graduating from the United States Naval Academy, serving as a commissioned officer in the U.S. Marine Corps, and managing active operational logistics for the Department of Defense. I’m also married to a retired military officer. I have held leadership positions all along the way, including non-profit and local government. Public Service is who I am.

I stand for servant leadership. This means that I respect the power of the people, and I believe a just government is accountable to its constituents.

As candidate for Peninsula Township Supervisor, I commit to work in service of our residents, property owners and business owners. I have served in several roles in Township government already. I’m currently a Trustee appointed last September, so I understand the challenges.

I will continue to demonstrate servant leadership by making myself available to the public and nurturing a township staff that supports the public in the day-to-day operations. I lead by modeling transparent decision-making processes and insisting on transparent business operations.

Given my background, it’s no surprise I believe in having a good plan. As the Supervisor, I will base my decisions on public input, guided by a Master Plan. We’ve made strides, but we have a ways to go before all residents see Township government as applying the same rules to everyone.

-Maura Sanders, Candidate for Peninsula Township Supervisor

Maura Sanders, Broker/Owner, Fresh Coast Property | Sanders Photo
Maura Sanders, Broker/Owner, Fresh Coast Property | Sanders Photo

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  1. Hi, appreciate your comments on transparency. I realize board members are bound by court restrictions. At the earliest time possible we would like to know if the approximate $1 million spent by the Twp. on the winery lawsuit defense will or will not be reimbursed by insurance and what effect this has on direction the twp is taking on the Headlee roll back and conversion to higher taxing Charter Twp. Thanks, Curt Peterson

    • Hi Curt,
      Thanks for the note. As soon as the Board knows and the case has been fully decided, you will know. It is certainly not far from my thoughts at any given time. Regarding Headlee and Charter, I can only speak for myself and I am not in support of Charter Township and I am currently not interested in taking the steps forward with a resolution to put Headlee on a ballot. We have discussed this several times at TB meetings. There are definitely decisions that need to be made but without all the information needed, now is not the time. Ultimately, the Headlee Rollback is the vote of the people but right now we are in a major election cycle and it would not be a responsible fiduciary decision to try and rush a ballot initiative when we are also in the early stages of the Maner Costerisan study. The Township will learn much about our business practices and procedures from this study. I believe we will have a working process map/tool upon completion and that will help the Town Board and the residents determine a path forward.

  2. What Peninsula Township needs is growth and prosperity. It’s stagnant right now and I don’t think that’s good. It needs to be controlled and done properly. We don’t have to lose the rural open feel.

  3. Maura
    I was disappointed to see you lead the charge for yet another cost to us residents on top of the healer roll back which you are supporting and the possible charter township.
    These are further ways the township will try to take our money. See my statement on next door.

  4. Lou,

    Thanks for the note. It would probably be best for us to get to know one another so that you are 100% focused on what I say and the full context around it.

    Regarding the Headlee Rollback, not sure what the healer rollback is, I am 100% in support of the voting public and what they want. Democracy in action is a beautiful thing. The Headlee is by the vote of the people, not the bumpkins sitting in the township hall.

    I appreciate you expressing yourself on Next Door but I am not subscribed. It doesn’t serve a purpose for getting work done.

    Please reach out,
    231 313 5921

    • Regarding my comment above, “The Headlee is by the vote of the people, not the bumpkins sitting in the township hall.” The bumpkins comment was made tongue-in-cheek referring to the current Town Board (that I currently sit on). I by no means think that anyone working at the Township Hall or sitting on a Board/Commission/Committee are bumpkins. You are all professionals, hard-workers and above all else you are willing to serve.

  5. Maura
    It was a typo sorry I did mean the Headlee amendment.
    i will be in touch. Next door is yet another way to see what people in the community are thinking. Not sure what you mean it doesn’t serve the purpose of getting the job done.

    • Lou,

      I have had a chance to think about your NextDoor participation comment. I generally stay off of social media but our Township is so small that it appears to be a good tool to stay connected. Thank you for the encouragement. I am still looking forward to you reaching out so we can sit down and kick it regarding the goings-on in our Township.


  6. Residents, I have received a few questions regarding taxes, Headlee Rollback, millage rates, property values and the “uncapping” of property taxes. Here are some links to help better understand our current picture and what it looks like at the state level.

    Our current picture: Pg 96 of the May 14, 2024 TB Meeting Packet:


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