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(Editor’s Note: Mike Dettmer writes in support of Dave Sanger for Trustee and Maura Sanders for Supervisor, noting that they have the needed professionalism and experience to move the Township forward. Read on for his thoughts. -jb)
I write asking our township residents to consider and vote for Dave Sanger for Peninsula Township trustee and Maura Sanders for Peninsula Township supervisor.
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I recite and affirm our current treasurer Marge Achorn’s last paragraph of her July 30th opinion piece published in the Old Mission Gazette:
“Regardless of where you stand on the issues, I hope that you will carefully consider the qualifications, preparation, dedication, and motivations of the various candidates on the ballot in August and November.”
It cannot be stated more clearly. We are facing an election where the Kelly Clark/WOMP slate of candidates seek office not based upon the public good, but upon personal grievances and resentment because they can’t get their way.
They can’t have short term rentals, event centers, restaurants, unfettered development and commercialization of the township. They cannot work within current zoning and the township master plan, so their solution is to get elected and blow it up.
Unfortunately, reading what they have done (or more importantly, not done), to be both elected and prepared to assume the duties of these offices is sadly lacking.
It cannot be stressed strongly enough that our township stands at a crossroads. Both Maura Sanders and David Sanger provide the needed professionalism and experience to continue to move this township forward. They have and will continue to prioritize the well-being of our township above all else.
They will represent all township residents, not just the disgruntled few.
-Mike Dettmer
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