Maura Sanders and Dave Sanger, Candidates for Peninsula Township
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(Editor’s Note: Dave Murphy writes in support of two candidates running for Peninsula Township offices – Maura Sanders for Supervisor and Dave Sanger for Trustee. Read on for his thoughts. -jb)

This is to express support for two township candidates on the August primary ballot: Maura Sanders for supervisor and David Sanger for trustee.

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I’ve known David Sanger for 20 years. He’s been about service to this community since the day he moved to Old Mission Peninsula. Our outstanding fire and paramedic teams absolutely would not be what they are today without his steadfast work and leadership.

Before becoming a township trustee, Dave provided years of service on the Planning Commission. Much of Dave’s work has been challenging, often thankless, but necessary with rules and enforcement.

Having attended many dozens of township meetings across decades, I’ve been consistently impressed with how Dave is always prepared, respectful, and about the best interests of this community, even when choices are tough. His strong business background blended with years of public service are precisely what we need.

Maura Sanders is a decade-long acquaintance who stepped up to serve as chair of the Parks Commission when leadership was needed, and then into a trustee position on the Town Board. The workings of the township are best known through active participation across time, and Maura has paid those dues.

Through her military training, education, and public service, Maura is prepared for the leadership role in our community. Especially with the supervisor position at this difficult time of legal wrangling and a growing community under pressure, we need leadership from someone of Maura’s experience and character.

Maura has committed to being a fulltime supervisor, and I trust that she’ll give this community the committed attention that the job demands.

-Dave Murphy

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