(Editor’s Note: Maura Sanders, who recently secured a majority of votes to become the next Supervisor for Peninsula Township, writes about the path forward past the November general election. She will officially take office at 12 p.m. on Nov. 20, 2024, following the November election. NOTE: She actually sent this to me the day after the Primary election, but I’ve been in the U.P. with a spotty connection for my laptop. -jb)
I have had a day to think about what it means to move forward to the November ballot unopposed and what my commitment to the Township as the next Supervisor will look like.
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I would like to start off by saying a hearty “thank you” to everyone who took the step forward to run for a Township elected position. Making the commitment to serve is never taken lightly. Congratulations to the folks who will be moving forward to the general election. I look forward to learning more about all of you.
For the folks that are not moving forward now or after the general election, I truly hope that you will stay committed to the Township in a volunteer capacity and/or as a strongly engaged citizen holding the Township accountable. Our Township is successful when all of the community participates, and there are many ways to do that.
I championed Transparency, Consistency, and Leadership in my campaign. I have committed to these as a Trustee and will stay committed to these as the Supervisor. Open, candid, and respectful discussions are a healthy part of a community and will inform the best decisions.
I will work diligently to ensure that the expectations within the Township Hall are met for all residents and that our ordinances are consistently applied and enforced. I will be a full-time supervisor, and I will lead by example and put the needs of the entire community first.
As always, please reach out with your feedback and questions, and let’s work together.
Maura Sanders
(231) 313-5921
[email protected]
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