Fall Colors on Peninsula Drive | Jane Boursaw Photo
Fall Colors on Peninsula Drive | Jane Boursaw Photo
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(Editor’s Note: Paul and Elizabeth Foley ask whether a non-motorized trail on the Old Mission Peninsula is the best way to go. They have another suggestion. Read on for their thoughts. -jb)

First, kudos to Jane Boursaw for the depth and breadth of her township candidate interviews. They’ve been an invaluable tool for evaluating our candidates and their stance on the issues facing us.

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But, we would respectfully suggest that in regards to the issue of a non-motorized pathway to improve cycling safety, perhaps the wrong question is being asked.

We love our TART trails. But is that really the best option here? Besides its prohibitive cost, a TART-style trail would require endless easements and legal complications for farmland crossings, and create significant impact to the landscape since there is no pre-existing railway bed to follow.

We are avid bikers who have been OMP homeowners for 12 years, who moved here specifically for the spectacular cycling we can do literally out our doorstep. We can cycle along the shorelines of both West and East Bay in a single 40-mile loop, with a handful of miles crossing the rolling farmlands in the middle. Cyclists come from all over the state — and many other states — to do exactly that.

I think many residents assume a non-motorized path would take cyclists off Peninsula Drive, East Shore Road and Bluff Road. It will not. Yes, it will encourage more people to cycle here who are currently unwilling to ride the road, and that’s a good thing. But the shoreline route is exactly what most road cyclists are coming here for.

If cyclists wanted to ride a route straight up the middle of the Peninsula, it is already possible along the wide paved shoulders of Center Road. But almost no one does. Most cyclists only ride it as a connector between shoreline sections and to reach the lighthouse at the north end. Like everyone else, we want to enjoy the breathtaking view and slower traffic along the shores.

Instead, there is a far simpler and more cost-effective solution that would make the Peninsula safer for everyone. Pave the shoulders of Peninsula Drive, exactly like what already exists along the southernmost two miles between Peninsula Hills and the traffic light at Center Road. The same improvement isn’t really needed for the rest of the shoreline route as Bluff and East Shore are quieter roads where it’s usually much easier for motorists to pass.

Simply adding paved shoulders to Peninsula Drive would work wonders for bike and pedestrian safety and help ease the understandable frustration of motorists trying to get around them safely. It would give cyclists, runners and dog walkers a smooth, safe lane of their own, and allow motorists to pass without having to swerve into the opposing lane.

Traffic would flow better with minimal impact to the properties along that 6.5 mile stretch south from Bowers Harbor Road. We ourselves are property owners along that very section of Peninsula Drive, and would welcome a paved shoulder on both our home and waterfront side.

Yes, a TART trail would be wonderful. But please, instead of talking about a project that is highly unlikely to ever happen, why don’t we change the conversation to something that is more feasible and would benefit everyone in the long run?

Thank you,
Paul and Elizabeth Foley


SUPPORT YOUR INDEPENDENT LOCAL NEWSPAPER: I started Old Mission Gazette in 2015 because I felt a calling to provide the Old Mission Peninsula community with local news. After decades of writing for newspapers and magazines like the New York Times, Los Angeles Times, Family Circle and Ladies' Home Journal, I really just wanted to write about my own community where I grew up on a cherry farm and raised my own family. So I started my own newspaper.

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  1. Paul and Elizabeth,

    Thank you for your perspective. I am a member of the nonmotorized committee that has been exploring the “nonmotorized” concept which actually includes both a hope for a TART-like trail where possible and a multimodal roadway plan to improve safety for pedestrians, bicyclists, autos, and farm machinery. As you point out, Peninsula Drive, East Shore Road and Bluff Road are part of one of the long recognized premiere cycling routes in the area which could be made safer for all users with an in depth multimodal plan. The township has a long term goal of pursuing consensus based changes like what you advocate as well as other off-roadway options. The key factor is building knowledge based community support. Greater input is, of course, critical. Grants are being pursued to help fund presentations and more public input for the formation of an action plan to guide future changes where needed. I look forward to your participation.

    See you on cycling,



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