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I am probably singing to the choir here, but do you know that it is National Library Card Signup Month?
According to a 2023 survey by the American Library Association, 76 percent of respondents reported visiting a library in the past year, and 64 percent reported that they have a library card.
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The unexpected news? We tend to think older people are the main library users. Yet, in actuality, the largest library user group consists of Gen Z and Millennials. Not only that, while they do use digital collections actively, they also bought and borrowed more print books than any other group!
And libraries are not just about books! Here at Peninsula Community Library, we have a Library of Things, Explorer bags and STEM kits for kids, board games, puzzles, Memory Care bags, craft bags, programs and more!
And while you don’t even need a library card for some of these items, we do hope you get one. It is the best card in your wallet and it — and what you check out with it — are absolutely free. Start the application at https://catalog.tadl.org/card!

A few of the free programs happening soon at PCL:
What’s in a Name? A road name that is! Join us 10/5 from noon-2 for our Local History Open House where descendants of family named roads will have exhibits on display. Also learn about the town of Archie and Haserot Beach. Talks with Tim will continue on the second and third Tuesdays at 2 p.m.
Scarf Master. Join staff members Dawn and Mona 10/7 at 6 p.m. They will show you how to wear a scarf in multiple ways. Space is limited so RSVP. Bring a long scarf and a square scarf if you have them.
Quilts for Kids. Join Kellie Chase to transform fabrics into patchwork quilts for kids facing serious trauma. 10/8, 10 – noon. Quilts for Kids is a non-profit organization. Materials provided. RSVP!
The Gift of Life. PCL partners with VERSITI for a blood drive 10/16 from noon-5. All blood collected stays in Michigan. You may register at https://donate.michigan.versiti.org/donor/schedules/zip.
Tech Talk We are very happy to have cyber safety expert Patricia Henkel back for several one-hour programs. Bring your device along. No need to register.
- Oct 28, 3-4 p.m. Google Loses Huge Antitrust Case and Is Deemed a “Monopolist” — What’s Next?
- Nov 25, 3-4 p.m. George Orwell – Was He Right? A Discussion of USA Surveillance vs China Social Credit System
I have shared this before from the National Endowment for the Humanities Magazine by Jennifer Howard, but it is worth repeating:
“There aren’t many truly public places left in America. Most of our shared spaces require money or a certain social status to access. One place, though, remains open to everyone. The public library requires nothing of its visitors. You can stay all day and you don’t have to buy anything.”
There is something for everyone here at PCL. We hope to see you soon! And don’t forget our PCL History Timeline in the foyer. Our story is amazing!
“When I got my library card, that was when my life began.” – Author Rita Mae Brown
Happy Fall!
-Vicki Shurly, Director, Peninsula Community Library
(Pictured at the top is Vicki with former beloved library director Julie Maxson, who recently passed away.)
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SUPPORT YOUR INDEPENDENT LOCAL NEWSPAPER: I started Old Mission Gazette in 2015 because I felt a calling to provide the Old Mission Peninsula community with local news. After decades of writing for newspapers and magazines like the New York Times, Los Angeles Times, Family Circle and Ladies' Home Journal, I really just wanted to write about my own community where I grew up on a cherry farm and raised my own family. So I started my own newspaper.
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