Baby Henry and Koni at Elise and Cory Holman's Pumpkin Patch | Holman Photo
Baby Henry and Koni at Elise and Cory Holman's Pumpkin Patch | Holman Photo
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Here’s a roundup of recent Old Mission Peninsula news and upcoming events…

U-Pick Apples. Looking for U-Pick apples on the Old Mission Peninsula? Check out Third Coast Fruit Co./Wunsch Farms, who are once again offering their program to help address food insecurity in our community. Just like last year, when you pre-order apples from their website here, they will log the sale and for each pound purchased, they will donate a pound to Food Rescue of Northwest Michigan and Feeding America. Read more about the program here. This year, they are also offering U-Pick apples for the program.

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Buchan’s Blueberry Hill Farm is also offering U-Pick apples at their farm, 1472 Nelson Road off Peninsula Drive. Apple picking has started, and they have Macintoch and Cortlands available. I believe their hours are Fridays through Sundays, 11 a.m. – 6 p.m., but you might call first to be sure on those hours, (231) 223-4846. They’re also still serving ice cream!

If you’re just looking to buy apples, you’ll find them at most of the OMP farm stands, including Johnson Farms, on Center Road about a half-mile north of Mapleton on the right.

Apples at Johnson Farms on the Old Mission Peninsula, September 2024 | Jane Boursaw Photo
Apples at Johnson Farms on the Old Mission Peninsula, September 2024 | Jane Boursaw Photo

Pumpkins. Looking for pumpkins? You’ll find them at the historic Holman farm, 12926 Center Road. They are now open, and as always, have a wide assortment of pumpkins, gourds, squash, cornstalks and other fall goodies. I believe they may even have cider and doughnuts on the weekends. There is nothing like a pumpkin patch in October – especially Cory and Elise Holman’s Pumpkin Patch! Here’s baby Henry and Koni at the farm (this pic is from last year – Henry is mobile now!)

Baby Henry and Koni at Elise and Cory Holman's Pumpkin Patch | Holman Photo
Baby Henry and Koni at Elise and Cory Holman’s Pumpkin Patch | Holman Photo

Harvest Dinner. Old Mission Peninsula United Methodist Church will host their annual Harvest Dinner on Saturday, Oct. 5, 4:30 – 6:30 at the church, 16426 Center Road. On the menu is Swiss Steak, potato, vegetable, home-made desserts and a beverage. Payment is via free will donation, and take-out is available by calling (231) 223-4393.

Legion Dinner. The next community dinner at the Old Mission American Legion Hall, 4007 Swaney Road, will be Tuesday, Oct. 1. On the menu is Beef Stroganoff, butter noodles, vegetables, salad and dessert with appetizers. Take out orders are available by calling (231) 223-4433. Cost is $15 per person. Appetizers start at 6 p.m., dinner at 6:30 p.m. Stop by and check out their new floors!

Dougherty Tours. At the historic Peter Dougherty Mission House in the village of Old Mission, tours are still taking place through Oct. 19. They are open Wednesdays through Saturdays, 11 a.m. – 4 p.m., 18459 Mission Road. If you’d like to schedule a tour in November, you may do that by appointment – email [email protected].

Geranium Sale. It’s that time of year again when The Friendly Garden Club has its annual Geranium sale. These are the same beautiful geraniums that the Grand Hotel displays each year. Choose from at least five different colors of Americana and a dark red Calliope in 5-inch single plants ($6) or in cases of eight ($42), and also the Americanas in 12-inch patio pots at $28. Calliopes are available in 11-inch hangings baskets at $28, in dark red and deep rose. There are also 13-inch hanging baskets with geraniums and coordinating flowering plants ($38).

Help The Friendly Garden Club support our community by participating in their annual “Geranium Sale” that helps fund grants, scholarships and community club projects that beautify Traverse City. The sale is in progress now thru October 1, 2024. The pickup will be May 15, 2025. Visit their website for more information and to order your geraniums.

Photos Around the OMP. Here are a few photos from the past month or so – sunflowers at the corner of Center Road and Swaney Road, a beautiful flag on the Chown barn, a gang of turkeys along Center Road near Swaney Road, and quiet Haserot Beach. If that’s you in the fishing boat, hope you caught something good!

If I’ve missed your event, feel free to leave it in the comments section at the bottom of this story.

Sunflowers at the corner of Center Road and Swaney Road on the Old Mission Peninsula | Jane Boursaw Photo
Sunflowers at the corner of Center Road and Swaney Road on the Old Mission Peninsula | Jane Boursaw Photo
American Flag on the Chown barn on the Old Mission Peninsula | Jane Boursaw Photo
American Flag on the Chown barn on the Old Mission Peninsula | Jane Boursaw Photo
Gang of turkeys on Center Road near Swaney Road on the Old Mission Peninsula | Jane Boursaw Photo
Gang of turkeys on Center Road near Swaney Road on the Old Mission Peninsula | Jane Boursaw Photo
Haserot Beach on the Old Mission Peninsula | Jane Boursaw Photo
Haserot Beach on the Old Mission Peninsula | Jane Boursaw Photo

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SUPPORT YOUR INDEPENDENT LOCAL NEWSPAPER: I started Old Mission Gazette in 2015 because I felt a calling to provide the Old Mission Peninsula community with local news. After decades of writing for newspapers and magazines like the New York Times, Los Angeles Times, Family Circle and Ladies' Home Journal, I really just wanted to write about my own community where I grew up on a cherry farm and raised my own family. So I started my own newspaper.

Because Old Mission Gazette is a "Reader Supported Newspaper" -- meaning it exists because of your financial support -- I hope you'll consider tossing a few bucks our way if I mention your event, your business, your organization or your news item, or if you simply love reading about what's happening on the OMP. In a time when local news is becoming a thing of the past, supporting an independent community newspaper is more important now than ever. Thank you so much for your support! -Jane Boursaw, Editor/Publisher, Old Mission Gazette

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  1. Local History Room Open House at Peninsula Community Library on Saturday, October 5 from noon to 2:00 pm. Come talk to descendants of local road names – Swaney, Phelps, Tompkins, Carroll, Brinkman as well as info re: Archie Park and Haserot Beach. What a great line-up of fabulous folks! Come meet them!


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