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(Editor’s Note: Dave Murphy writes that four candidates — Dave Sanger, Julie Alexander, Isaiah Wunsch and Warner Queeny (pictured above, left to right, during a meet and greet at the Old Mission Legion Hall) have the skills and experience necessary for the position of Township Trustee. Read on for his thoughts. -jb)
With our Township officers – the supervisor, clerk and treasurer – already set by way of the primary election, Peninsula Township residents still have the important responsibility of selecting four trustees to round out the Township Board.
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This unique peninsula faces a multitude of challenges. Our Township Board needs dedicated and informed trustees to problem solve and collaborate with the officers working fulltime in the township offices.
A bipartisan slate of trustee candidates – Warner Queeny, Dave Sanger, Julie Alexander, and Isaiah Wunsch – afford us a mix of talents, perspectives and experience. This group, combined with the Township officers, gives residents the best hope for navigating the challenges ahead.
Isaiah, Dave and Julie have served on the Planning Commission; Isaiah and Dave have also served as Township Board members. The three have jointly contributed many years of work on behalf of this community.
Warner Queeny brings a wealth of experience through his private sector work in domestic and international finance, planning and conflict resolution. In choosing the Peninsula as home to raise his young family, he’s now stepping up to offer his talents in service to the community.
As Warner has campaigned to earn our votes, he’s done the hard work to assess what’s truly at stake on Old Mission Peninsula. His experience in other contexts give him insight that’s impressive. He’ll bring a necessary and invaluable set of skills to the trustee role.
-Dave Murphy
(Read all Peninsula Township Election 2024 News, Opinions and Candidate Questionnaires here. -jb)
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Thank you so much for posting this Dave…and I completely agree. There is so much disinformation out there, it’s become convoluted and nasty but what I know for sure is these four candidates are clearly on the side of ALL OMP stakeholders.
Cary, please list/ document some of the disinformation you reference. Thanks
Dave, I appreciate summary of each persons qualifications and their desire to serve the township. As you have noted this bi-partisan group deserves our support.
Eric Dreier